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Search results for "climate adaptation"

Including 6 closely related terms such as climate change, tackle climate, and climate change.

1 result

King's Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… We at the Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk are committed to tackling climate change and minimising our contribution to it. Climate change has risen in the public and political agenda significantly over the past 5 years. Following on from the 2015 Paris Agreement targets to limit warming to 2°C and pursue efforts to further limit warming to 1.5°C, the UK government has now…

… is largely the focus of this first strategy and action plan. This strategy and action plan will be a live document and will be updated to reflect changes to council priorities and national legislation. We have undertaken a number of initiatives in recent years that show our commitment to tackling climate change. Our Climate Change Policy, adopted in October 2020, outlines our intention…

… sectors in relation to our districts characteristics. Our Action Plan details some initial, specific actions we could take for each sector, in line with our scope of influence over the district emissions. Additionally, we highlight where government policies could influence district emissions. We recognise that we cannot tackle climate change in isolation. Therefore, we support the Norfolk Climate

change risks are prepared for. The Strategy approval date: _/_/2021 Page 9 of 37 v.01 Review date: __ 2024 Act also establishes the framework to deliver on these requirements. This Act supports the UK’s commitment to urgent international action to tackle climate change. Initially through the Climate Change Act, the UK government set a target to reduce UK greenhouse gas emissions to 80…

… to help reduce the district’s carbon footprint and act as a community leader to encourage others to tackle climate change. The policy states that the council will “proactively identify, understand, manage and review its level of greenhouse gas emissions to play its part in contributing towards achieving the Climate Change Act 2008 and the Paris Climate Agreement”. We are following an agreed…


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