Including 4 closely related terms such as climate change, climate change, and climate.
… Climate change action plan Fareham Borough Council Climate Change Action Plan Introduction Tackling climate change will pose a significant challenge in the coming years. It will take planning and initiative to bring about positive change and brings the opportunity to build on what we have already achieved…
… and Protecting Fareham’s Communities Adaption and Resilience Implementing adaptation and resilience measures ensure that the borough can respond to climate change. Adaptation is where we alter our behaviour and systems to protect where we live from the impact of climate change. Resilience looks at this in more detail, breaking down the issues into more manageable, localised tasks. Fareham’s…
…, and we have an increasingly aging population. We want to ensure that every generation has a positive future. We are seeking to mitigate climate change and are already underway with a number of resilience projects. Having established our carbon footprint, we can now plan for carbon neutrality in our Council services. We must also ensure that we address climate equity as the effects of climate…
… change typically affect the most vulnerable in society. For example, those experiencing fuel poverty are often unable to afford the changes their home needs to be more energy efficient. Older residents will also feel the extremes of a changing climate more intensively; risking heat stress in the summer and/or excessive cold and damp in the winter. This document sets out the challenges…
…. This Strategy sets out an overarching plan of delivery rather than focusing on the detail of every project. What is Climate Change? Climate change looks at average weather patterns and temperature over a long period, determining whether there is a change within a region. The term ‘climate change’ is usually used in the context of man-made effects on the environment - largely resulting from the amount…