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Search results for "climate adaptation"

Including the closely related terms climate change, climate change, and climate.

1 result

London Borough of Brent

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Climate Assembly and also align to the Climate Change priorities being pursued across London, putting us in what we believe is the best possible position to tackle the climate and ecological emergency in our borough. The five strategy themes are: Consumption, resources and waste Transport Homes, Buildings and the Built Environment Nature and Green Space Supporting Communities. Our progress…

… reached 218,716 people. Launched the Brent Environmental Network which as of August 2021 has over 700 members across Brent who are regularly updated on the latest community initiatives relating to the environment or tackling the climate and ecological emergency. Delivered two educational webinars ‘How Travel is Changing to Beat Climate Change’ and 'Food and it's impact' with plans for at least three…

… Our response to the climate emergency Skip to content Menu Sign in to My Account Residents Residents Adult Social Care…

… Community priorities Climate Emergency Our response to the climate emergency Our response to the climate emergency In July 2019, Brent Council declared a climate and ecological emergency and committed to do all in its gift to strive for carbon neutrality by 2030. This target is borough-wide…

…, not just council-only emissions, because of how urgent this issue is – and therefore more ambitious goals are required. We are one of only 12 councils in London who have adopted this 2030 target.  In late 2019, we held the Brent Climate Assembly to understand resident’s priorities. The outcome of these workshops has informed our Strategy for reaching that ambitious goal…


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