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Search results for "climate adaptation"

Including the closely related terms climate change, climate change, and climate.

1 result

Colchester Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

…, Sustainable Planning Checklist, Essex Design Guide Climate Change Supplement) to secure multi-functional green spaces, food prevention, carbon reduction and sustainable travel through the planning process. Train planners in latest policies and guidance for efective review of planning applications to support our goal of zero carbon by 2030. Change the way we work to achieve our climate commitment…

…: Ensure internal strategies and policies are consistent with our climate emergency declaration and commitment for net zero carbon by 2030. Strengthen our assessment of climate and environmental impacts in all decision making and reporting, including project development processes. Develop and roll out a climate change learning and development programme for staf and members to improve…

Climate Challenge and Sustainability Strategy Themes Climate Challenge 01 02 Colchester Borough Council is leading the way in promoting sustainability and carbon Reduction. This new Climate Challenge and Sustainability Strategy Themes continues to build on years of dedication and achievement and will evolve through…

… consultation with stakeholders and innovation in the industry. In 2019, we ranked among the top 10 local authorities in the Friends of the Earth’s performance review in diferent categories including renewable energy, public transport, lift- sharing, energy efciency at home, waste recycling, and tree cover. In the same year, we declared a climate emergency. As a responsible Local Authority, we know…

… that we have an important role to play in promoting sustainability and reducing carbon emissions. In 2020 we published our Council’s Strategic Plan 2020-2023 with tackling the climate challenge and leading sustainability as a key priority. We also developed our Climate Emergency Action Plan highlighting how we will reduce greenhouse gas emissions to reach carbon neutrality by 2030. In 2021…


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