Including 6 closely related terms such as change adaptation, climate change, and climate change.
…- Area wide climate adaptation and resilience risk assessment. Produce list of area wide requirements for adaptation and resilience based on latest available data. To include vulnerabilities of heat related fatalities. Purpose: To better understand and implement mitigation to the local risks of a changing climate. DEVELOP Research - Given the existing vulnerability of elderly people…
… owned buildings and embed action for decarbonisation, climate change adaptation and nature recovery in our property asset management plan. Purpose: To scope and implement carbon emissions reductions. Start retrofit delivery following the in-depth council building stock retrofit analysis and SCOLAS study (1970 school buildings) and solar PV programme. IMPLEMENT 4 Purpose: To implement…
… and Action Plan, to optimise GI and green space asset management for climate change, nature recovery, health and community adaptation and resilience. Purpose: Start delivering plans to deliver improvements in green infrastructure, to deliver nature recovery, increase biodiversity and tackle Climate Emergency goals. DEVELOP/IMPLE MENT INSPIRE – business and residents to take climate action…
… documents. Purpose: This will deliver wider regional emissions reductions. IMPLEMENT Business engagement - Work with specific businesses and sectors of the South Gloucestershire economy to reduce emissions, adapt to the local impacts of climate change, build resilience and increase nature recovery. Purpose: To reduce emissions, build local resilience and increase nature recovery. IMPLEMENT…
… membership, will work on joint area wide campaigns to bring about reductions in emissions, increases in the local climate change preparedness and increase nature recovery. Purpose: key area emitters and influencers act together to increase area wide visibility and action on climate emergency. IMPLEMENT Strategy and Policy - Continue to influence all council strategies and plans to implement Climate…