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Search results for "climate adaptation"

Including the closely related terms climate change, climate change, and climate.

1 result

West Berkshire Council

Direct link to progress report (XLSM)

… 6.1.1 Sustainable Transport: Working with the Government, regional and local partners to enhance rail infrastructure CN022 Develop climate change bond scheme (community municipal investment) climate change bond scheme (community municipal investment) launched Short term Short term Finance Complete Low/Medium 5.1 Carbon neutral by 2030: Exploring the use of ‘Climate Change Bonds’ to help deliver…

… REG009 Work with local Education providers to develop relevant skills programmes and materials to enhance the learning of our children and young people in the area of climate change and carbon reduction Establishment of an education package available for schools to include Eco Schools. Progress towards developing a well-informed generation and work force able to carry out the green jobs of the future…

…. Short term Ongoing WBC Env Delivery / Economic Development / Local Education Providers In progress, on track Medium/High 5.2: Responsible Economic Growth: Work with local Education providers to develop relevant skills programmes and materials to enhance the learning of our children and young people in the area of climate change and carbon reduction…

… 6.2.4 Working with Young People: Through our schools, communicate with young people to seek their views and work with them to bring about the greener district they deserve. Embedding an understanding of climate change in their studies from a very early age will be key to this as they will be equipped to become custodians of our natural environment in the future REG010 Design effective…

… 6.1.4 Waste: Work with local businesses to improve resource efficiency in the commercial sector REG014 Explore ways to emphasise and support the role that farming and agriculture has in our local economy and the ways in which they can contribute to addressing climate change To be confirmed Short term Ongoing WBC Env Delivery with Partners Not started Medium Context: We will have to find better…


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