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Search results for "climate adaptation"

Including the closely related terms climate change, climate change, and climate.

1 result

Cheshire East Council (Unitary)

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… their carbon footprint by reducing energy consumptions and promoting healthy lifestyles.” It is widely accepted that climate change is happening as a result of human activity, as is the fact that we need to do things differently, both to adapt to the impact and reduce the extent of change in the long term. The effects are being felt at a global level with higher land and sea temperatures, rising…

… sea levels and extreme weather patterns. The impact of extreme weather is being felt at a local level also, whether it be the impact on homes and businesses from increased incidents of flooding or the impact on the elderly and vulnerable from extreme heat. The Climate Change Act 20082 introduced a legally binding target for the UK to reduce greenhouse gases by 80% by 2050 against a 1990…

… baseline. In June 2019 the UK Prime Minister announced a revised target - the UK will cut emissions to net zero by 20503. The UK Government published its 25-Year Environment Plan4 in 2018. Central to this plan is climate change and it sets out its goals for “cleaner air and water; plants and animals which are thriving; and a cleaner, greener country for us all.” The Government’s Plan…

… specific and locally appropriate responses and driving innovation. As well as responding to climate change, the Council is committed to protecting and enhancing the built and natural environment of the borough and how this relates to OFFICIAL 3 May 2020 residents, visitors and business. Spending time in the natural environment also has a positive impact on people’s mental…

…, policies, action plans, and projects to consider the environmental and climate change impact and how they can contribute positively to the goals of this strategy. It will ensure that the Council provides strong environmental leadership and stewardship. Everything we do as a council should consider the implications on climate change and the natural environment. The Council has developed…


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