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Search results for "climate adaptation"

Including 5 closely related terms such as climate change, tackle climate, and climate change.

1 result

Suffolk County Council

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… in Suffolk? The County Council has been running many projects to tackle climate change since 2007 when Lord Gummer (then John Gummer MP), initiated the Creating the Greenest County project for Suffolk. All projects under this umbrella work with local…

… Current tenders and opportunities Climate Change Commercial Ask Pathways Training Fund Social Value Suffolk County Farms Estate IT services for schools and academies…

…, produced in support of these documents (PDF, 2.35MB) Background to the development of the Suffolk Climate Emergency Plan Suffolk’s Local Authorities have been working together on county-wide climate change project work since 2007 through the Suffolk Climate Change Partnership (SCCP) . In Autumn 2019 a successful Transformation Challenge Award was made to the SCCP…

… reduce emissions identified by the analysis. Feasibility test options so that the focus is on actions that can deliver meaningful emissions reductions. Promote a specific public event (conference) and associated consultation activity to engage stakeholders and the wider community. Given that climate change is influenced by a global range of activity, it will be important to engage widely. Co-design…

… communities and businesses to help them realise the economic benefits of reducing their energy consumption, adapt to climate change and enhance their natural environment. The Suffolk Climate Change Partnership co-ordinates activity across the county. Projects for Suffolk residents Suffolk Energy Action Warm Homes Fund Warm…


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