Including the closely related terms climate change, climate change, and climate.
… actions for 2021-22. Recommendation to Cabinet: To agree the Net Zero 2030 actions for 2021-22. Reason for recommendation: To support the Net Zero 2030 commitment. Net Zero 2030 and the Environment 3 Reducing carbon emissions goes hand in hand with environmental conservation and improvement. The connection between climate change and nature has been recognised nationally through…
… the Climate Change Act 2008, the Government’s 25 year Environment Plan “A Green Future” and the forthcoming Environment Bill. 4 Climate Change is expected to cause hotter drier summers and warmer wetter winters in Kent. There will be increased frequency and severity of storms causing additional flooding. The changing climate will also have an impact on health and wellbeing, and biodiversity…
… and wildlife causing the natural environment to be under increased pressure. 5 Therefore, the net zero work, undertaken by the council, will include measures and projects to mitigate the causes of climate change, namely through reducing carbon emissions, and also adapt to the expected effects of a changing climate. Helping the Council and District to be more climate resilient. 6 Adaptation…
….) Community Engagement and Encouragement Create a dedicated “Net Zero” and “Climate Change” webpage (Short Term) Promote national events to support wildlife awareness and opportunities to improve biodiversity (Ongoing) Develop and implement a “Net Zero 2030 Communications Plan” Making space for nature at home event Instructional videos e.g. pond creation, making habitats, bug…
… necessary, and explore a Carbon Offset Fund to finance this (Medium/Long Term) Officers to consider how SDC plans and strategies can take account of Climate Change and contribute to the Net Zero 2030 work SMT to embed actions in the Net Zero report in their teams where they apply to their service areas Include consideration of Net Zero 2030 in committee reports and decisions…