Including the closely related terms climate change, climate change, and climate.
… Template - Overview and Scrutiny Report Report for: Cabinet Date of meeting: 20 October 2020 Part: 1 If Part II, reason: Title of report: Climate Change Emergency Progress Update Contact: Councillor Andrew Williams, Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Corporate and Contracted Services Author/Responsible…
… the progress made in the previous 12 months and measured against the baseline carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas position together with the specific targets and actions for the forthcoming year. In addition there will be periodic reporting to both Cabinet and the Strategic Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Corporate objectives: The Council’s Climate Change Strategy…
… damaging and expensive. There is budget for the Climate Change Emergency Officer and a further £75,000 available for 2020/21 together with an earmarked reserve. Value for money The aim of the Climate Emergency Strategy and Action Plan is to reduce the carbon footprint of the Council’s activities and whilst in procurement the Council will seek value for money through intelligent…
… consideration of this report. Health and safety Implications Failure to act on the climate emergency would be damaging to the health and safety of all who work and live in the Borough. Action is required to mitigate the impact of our changing climate and day to day weather – flooding, drought, excessive temperatures and so on. There would also be severe impacts on air quality, ecological well-being…
… Background papers: Cabinet Report Climate Change Emergency Strategy and Action plan 19/5/20, and 23/6/20 Glossary of acronyms and any other abbreviations used in this report: CO2 Carbon Dioxide APSE Association for Public Service Excellence HRA Housing Revenue Account CSG Clean Safe and Green MTFS Medium Term Financial Strategy EPC Energy Performance Certificate PV Solar Photovoltaics…