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Search results for "climate adaptation"

Including 4 closely related terms such as climate change, climate change, and climate.

1 result

London Borough of Haringey

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… P a g e | 1 Haringey Climate Change Action Plan – A Route Map for a Net Zero Carbon Haringey March 2021 P a g e | 2 Foreword from Councillor Hearn The significant community interest and engagement on this Action Plan has shown that there is high level of support from the community on tackling Climate

Change. Nearly 4 in 5 respondents said that they were very concerned about climate change and that action should be a priority for the borough. Climate Change is a risk to us all through heatwaves, energy costs rising and local flooding. We have demonstrated through the recent pandemic that as a community we can change for the better, and we can tackle emergencies together. In the last year…

… when public transport capacity was reduced to support social distancing. In response, the Council is supporting new walking and cycling infrastructure so we can deliver better air quality and carbon reduction. Delivering healthier lifestyles and increased access to jobs and services are also key parts of the Action Plan. The Climate Change Action Plan will also support our work in addressing…

… poor quality housing and the rising number of families in fuel poverty, again a situation that has been exacerbated during the pandemic. The Action Plan can deliver a win for the many. For Haringey to become Net Zero Carbon, the Council, residents, visitors, stakeholders, local businesses, and government need to work together to deliver the Action Plan’s ambition. Combating climate change

… is a collective endeavour, and we will continue to work with colleagues across the sector to share knowledge so we can keep Haringey’s target date of 2041 – and if we can confidently bring it forward, we will. Councillor Hearn, Cabinet Member for Climate Change, Equalities & Leisure P a g e | 3 Contents Foreword from Councillor Hearn…


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