Including 4 closely related terms such as climate change, climate change, and climate.
… Programme of Ordinary Meetings Meeting: Cabinet Date: 11 March 2020 Subject: Tackling Climate Change Road Map Report Of: Cabinet Member for Environment Wards Affected: All Key Decision: No Budget/Policy Framework: No Contact Officer: Meyrick Brentnall, City Climate Change and Environment Manager Email: Meyrick.brentnall…
…’ seminars over the last two years. These engaged a group of local stakeholders to consider key issues facing the city, and last year there was a specific discussion around tackling climate change. Common themes raised at the workshop, and which should be considered as part of a climate change strategy, were a call for more tree planting, better co-ordination across organisations and increased…
… Tel: 396829 Appendices: 1. Quick Wins and Potential Longer-Term Projects FOR GENERAL RELEASE 1.0 Purpose of Report 1.1 This report sets out the actions the City Council, their partners and Gloucester citizens can take to achieve the objectives of the Climate Change Emergency resolution as adopted in July 2019. This committed the Council to becoming carbon neutral by 2030 and the City…
… zero city by 2050, and that officers continue the work outlined in this report to develop a Climate Change Strategy and bring this back to Cabinet for approval later in the year. (2) it supports investigating the projects contained in the ‘quick win’ section of the appendix, subject to Council agreeing to dedicate funds towards such environmental, carbon reduction or adaptation projects at its…
… meeting on 27 February. (3) a cross-Party working group, along the lines of the Planning Policy Sub-Group, is set up to support and advise the lead Cabinet Member in the development of this strategy and to review the investigations of the various projects set out in the appendix. 3.0 Background and Key Issues 3.1 Gloucester City Council has long recognised the importance of Climate Change…