Including 7 closely related terms such as adaptation climate, change climate, and climate change.
… - Funding Details of CMP#3 Projects Appendix K – Terms of Reference for Corporate Sustainability Working Group 2 Carbon Glossary Climate Change Climate change is a large-scale, long-term shift in the planet's weather patterns or average temperatures. Carbon Reduction & Adaptation Climate change has 2 main elements – (a) How the changing climate impacts on us and how we cope…
… and will incorporate such decisions when approved. A full list of projects is included in Appendix A. They range from outline ideas, through to those confirmed and underway. The projects, their costs and potential savings change constantly, reflecting a wide range of social, economic, financial, operational and legal factors. 1.6 DRIVERS FOR CARBON REDUCTION Legal – Under the Climate Change (Scotland…
… this. Financial – The costs associated with CO2 emissions have risen from £5.9m to £10.3m 4 over the last 8 years, therefore, urgent action is needed to stabilise and then reduce consumption of resources and the consequent rising pressure on Council budgets from escalating energy and fuel costs. Reputational – in 2007, Falkirk Council signed Scotland’s Climate Change Declaration where it pledged…
… to lead its community by example by taking concerted action on climate change, reporting publicly on progress. Further details of legal drivers and incentives can be found in Appendix E 4 Ref. Figure 27, Appendix F 8 2. TARGETS, BASELINE, FOOTPRINT & SCOPE This section sets out what the Council’s carbon…
… footprint comprises, explains trends, how change is measured and compares scenarios where action is taken against one where business continues as usual. 2.1 TARGETS & TIMESCALES - What Are We Aiming For? Scotland’s Climate Change Scotland Act aims to reduce CO2 emissions by 42% by 2020 and by 80% by 2050 against a baseline of 2005/06. It also commits to meeting 100% of its electricity…