Including 6 closely related terms such as climate change, tackle climate, and climate change.
… and further expansion of green infrastructure will also be essential to borough-wide climate emergency adaptation measures, for example by providing natural drainage to protect against flooding. 6.10.3 The Council can also reduce emissions associated with the urban environment through planning policy and services. Rotherham’s Local Plan already makes provision for climate change and related issues…
… needed to tackle climate change. 4.2 The Council will continue to play an active role in the Sheffield City Region, contributing to the emissions targets that are being developed at a sub-regional level and using its influence to secure any appropriate investments. There are significant opportunities to contribute to the refresh of the strategic economic plan to ensure that sustainable…
… across Rotherham to support us by making clear commitments to dealing with this climatic crisis; 7) Require all officer reports from April 2020 to Cabinet and Full Council to contain impact assessments in relation to climate change.” 2 Climate Emergency Action – scope and underpinning principles 2.1 This report sets out the Council’s commitment to tackling the climate emergency. It provides…
… Rotherham from climate change’s effects such as flooding and other extreme weather variations. An effective adaptation strategy must be informed by a comprehensive appraisal of likely impacts to the borough; this will be informed by utilising internal and external expertise as well as insight gained from the community. 3 “The Big Ask” 3.1 It is recognised that the reduction of carbon emissions…
… development is reflected. Rather than viewing climate change and economic growth as competing agendas, the local authority can support opportunities for greater integration across sectors to support innovation driven growth, for example by promoting green business parks and encouraging green industries. 4.3 In addition we will work with other local authorities and national and regional networks…