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Search results for "climate adaptation"

Including the closely related terms climate change, climate change, and climate.

1 result

Orkney Islands Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…. It is important to note that during the same period Orkney now generates 105% of its own renewable electricity. The national programme does not recognise this distinction, yet, European cities like Copenhagen aim to generate ‘green electricity’ to meet their needs and account for these in their climate change plans.. The Carbon Management Programme gives us the opportunity to look at how we use energy…

… will rely heavily on the Council’s Asset Management Strategy which is currently under revision. As fuel costs are anticipated to reduce in the short-term we would suggest that such savings are used to finance the long term requirements when high carbon fuels are no longer affordable or available. The Council is a signatory to the Scottish Climate Change Declaration and through this we recognise…

…. Initially it is proposed to look at the procurement of paper for use in the council offices, paper has a high embodied carbon factor and is also a high cost commodity, carful specification of requirements could resulting carbon and cost savings for the council. The Climate Change Act (UK) 2008 and the Climate Change Act (Scotland) 2009 focus on reducing carbon emissions. Where it is practical…

… as the processing is highly reliant on electricity for pumping and processing. 4.5 Past actions and achievements Orkney Islands Council have been conscious of the need to look at the climate change implications of the Council activities and this has resulted in several ongoing projects, strategies and actions. Some of the main actions and achievements are listed below: CEEF The Council takes part…


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