Including 6 closely related terms such as climate change, tackle climate, and climate change.
… sea levels and more unusual and intense storms. It is vital that we all work together to reduce our carbon emissions in a responsible and sustainable way and prepare ourselves for the increased risks we now facing. As the Leader of Wyre Council, and a father to two young children, tackling climate change is high on my agenda – we need to protect our children’s future. In July 2019, we…
… declared a Climate Emergency and make a unanimous, cross-party commitment to cut our emissions. This strategy outlines how we plan to tackle climate change by reducing our emissions, both internally and in collaboration with key stakeholders within the community. We have broken this down into eight objectives that we plan to target, including buildings, transport, our council processes…
… our pollution through a variety of ways, as well as the positive outcomes of doing so; by creating jobs, improving our lifestyles and contributing to Sustainable Development Goals. 7 Our action plans We have created eight objectives that will help us to tackle climate change among the main areas we can influence as a council. Separate action plans for each objective…
… to a changing climate. As Wyre is home to the highest number of residents aged over 65 and 75 in Lancashire6, together with an ageing population more generally across the UK, this brings a host of different challenges related to healthcare, safety and mobility, that may affect the council’s approach to climate adaptation in future. Of those most affected, climate change will have the greatest…
… assistance to adapt to new markets. Tourism - Higher temperatures will change tourism patterns. 21 Opportunities for Wyre Positive outcomes from creating a sustainable borough 22 Opportunities for Wyre Whilst tackling climate change presents many challenges, it also provides a unique opportunity to shift away from our dependency on dirty…