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Search results for "climate adaptation"

Including the closely related terms climate change, climate change, and climate.

1 result

Elmbridge Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… applications in the borough will be determined. With Adoption of the New Lo- cal Plan n/a n/a Local Plan budget 29 n/a n/a Planning 33 Local Plan – Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) The SPD will set out detailed guidance to appli- cants in terms of how the policies in the Local Plan can be met. Focusing on climate change mitigation, adaption and resilience, guidance…

…- nal stakeholders and partners, i.e. sharing knowledge, seeking feedback and promoting organisational change supporting the Council to transition to become carbon neutral. In July 2020, for instance a group of Climate Change Officer across Surrey’s local authorities started to meet regularly. Keep carbon reduc- tion on the Council's high-level agenda, man- age expectations and recognise achieve…

… Local Plan will play a central role in ad- dressing the climate emergency by setting out a development strategy and policies that seek to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and support the transition to a low carbon future. As well as delivering improvements to green and blue infra- structure, flood risk, air quality, recycling and waste management. The Plan will form the basis on which planning…


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