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Search results for "climate adaptation"

Including 5 closely related terms such as climate change, tackle climate, and climate change.

1 result

Torfaen County Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… to a situation and often more costly. The action we take now to tackle climate change and the nature emergency will shape the legacy that we leave for future generations living in Torfaen. 5 of 21 1. Introduction 1.1 About climate change Climate change is one of the biggest challenges that the world is facing and refers to the large- scale, long-term shift in the planet's…

…. Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 5 1.1 About climate change .................................................................................................................... 5 1.2 About the nature emergency…

… .....................................................................................................................................21 3 of 21 FOREWORD In June 2019 the Council passed a motion to declare a climate emergency, acknowledging the real threat that climate change poses to both current and future generations. Since then, the Council has also declared a nature emergency to recognise the serious threat of declining biodiversity. Where biodiversity is at risk then so are the important…

… services that it provides. It is these services that ultimately support life on earth. Whilst a changing climate is a major threat to nature, many of the unsustainable practices that are causing our climate to change are also impacting on biodiversity. Already we have started to reduce our emissions and change the way we manage our natural resources, but we know that we need to accelerate…

… things going forward. This action plan sets out our approach to becoming carbon neutral by 2030 and how we will protect and enhance Torfaen’s precious natural resources and the biodiversity they support. We know that both climate change and the nature emergency are of concern to our communities too and we have asked them how we can work together on these collective challenges. The key…


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