Including 6 closely related terms such as change adaptation, climate change, and climate change.
… all existing projects and initiatives that are climate change adaptation related. • Set a formal process to examine the nature of impacts climate change is likely to have on the Council’s own operations and the Inverclyde area as a whole. The process should follow the criteria set under the ‘Scotland Climate Change Adaptation Programme’. • Consider possible climate change adaptation projects…
… Financial 8 2.5 Council policy 8 3. Climate Change Strategy 9 3.1 Leadership 9 3.2 Support from Services 9 3.3 Buildings 9 3.4 Street lighting 9 3.5 Fleet management 10 3.6 Waste 10 3.7 Climate change awareness 10 3.8 Continuous improvement 10 4. Targets and Objectives 11 4.1 Climate change mitigation 11 4.2 Climate change adaptation 11 4.3 Transformational change 11 5. Reviewing…
… carbon emissions by 13.7% over the period 2007/08 to 2016/17. To continue the process of tackling climate change, the Council has released this Climate Change Plan. The reason for changing the name from Carbon Management Plan to Climate Change Plan is that this Plan will consider both climate change mitigation and adaptation. The previous Greenock, from the east 3 CLIMATE CHANGE PLAN 2018…
… the public sector which is expected to take the lead in tackling climate change. For example, in its draft Climate Change Plan, the Scottish Government has set a target for 94% of non-domestic buildings to have heating and cooling supplied by low carbon technologies. Moreover, the Scottish Government proposes that a statutory duty be placed on local authorities to develop ‘Local Heat and Energy…
…, investigate potential transformational projects and take steps to try and implement them. Climate change adaptation is difficult to quantify and therefore set a target. The Climate Change Plan, therefore, details objectives for the Council to adapt to climate change. One particular concern for Inverclyde is flooding. Inverclyde’s location along the coast of the Clyde makes it susceptible to flooding…