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Search results for "climate adaptation"

Including the closely related terms climate change, climate change, and climate.

1 result

Harborough District Council

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climate change, including through partnerships and community empowerment What the next steps are / resulting actions are for HDC and timings for these Council received the post consultation Action Plan at their meeting in December 2021 and decided to adopt it. The Plan now forms part of the Corporate Plan and will be regularly monitored by Cabinet. A report on progress will be published in early…

… autumn 2022.   The Council commits to demonstrate political and corporate leadership to act on climate change. The Council is in an excellent place to provide leadership in responding to the climate emergency and work with partners to promote positive change. What we have done so far: Promoted action on Climate Change through Climate Local from 2013/14, including annual reports on action…

… any new council building projects are low carbon and delivered to high environmental standards New projects will include whole life costings for consideration   The Council commits to working with residents and communities to support their actions in reducing emissions and help them increase their resilience to the impacts of climate change.  The Council is well placed to work with residents…

… them increase their resilience to the impacts of climate change.  The Council realises that it has a unique relationship with many local businesses and it can help to signpost businesses to best practice. What we have done so far: The council provides a business waste and recycling service to 814 businesses across Harborough district. Supported a local food offer through partnership…

… Centre (HIC). Work with businesses to ensure that climate change is part of their continuity planning models.   The Council commits to ensuring that new development is designed to mitigate emissions and be resilient to the impact of climate change.  The Council have recognised the issue of Climate Change in the New Local Plan 2011 to 2031 and will promote lower carbon emissions in new…


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