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Search results for "clean air"

Including the closely related terms cleaner air, and improve air quality.

1 result

Rugby Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… 3 EV charging points on council owned land. April 2023 • EV Charging Strategy agreed • Number of EV charging points installed Deputy Executive Director 1a 1b 2.4 We will work in partnership to improve air quality in the Borough, with a focus on Air Quality Management Areas Specific actions set out in Air Quality Status Report April 2023 • Annual mean nitrogen dioxide (NO2 ) will be reduced…

… to climate change. It is for this reason that this strategy seeks to address the climate and nature crises together, providing a holistic response to both crises. Tackling the twin crises can also bring co-benefits such as skilled jobs, warmer homes that are cheaper to heat, more green spaces to enjoy, cleaner air and active transport. This strategy is not intended to be a static and definitive document…

… and partnership working. In addition to putting our own house in order, we will lead the transition for the Borough of Rugby to become net zero, ensuring that it has a rich biodiversity where people can easily access nature, enjoy clean air, travel by using low carbon transport and heat buildings by using renewable energy. In terms of Rugby Borough as a whole, recent data suggests an approximate carbon…


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