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Search results for "clean air"

Including the closely related terms cleaner air, and improve air quality.

1 result

Cardiff Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… the pandemic have widened. Unless concerted action is taken, these gaps between communities will continue to grow with unemployment, deprivation and health issues exacerbated. One Planet Cardiff seeks to address fuel poverty, improve air quality, and create many green jobs through retrofit, renewable and green infrastructure projects across the city. We will work closely with citizens including…

… public transport and active travel provision and providing many more healthy, green spaces and cleaner air that support social wellbeing. The strategy is supported by a One Planet Cardiff Action Plan detailing immediate, medium and longer term priorities for addressing both carbon emissions to mitigate Climate Change and adapting to climate change impacts over the coming years. The Action Plan…

… to our fellow humans and future generations. Through the pandemic, we’ve seen nature reclaiming the streets, clearer skies as pollution levels drop and we’ve cherished green spaces to exercise and support our wellbeing. We’ve enjoyed cleaner air and getting back to basics of growing and cooking food, relying on local sup-ply chains, and spending more time with our families. We need to take…


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