Including the closely related terms clean air strategy, and improve air quality.
… are being felt now. Against the motion passed in 2020 to address climate change, this strategy sets out how we will achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050 and improve air quality across Buckinghamshire. We have direct control over emissions from our own operations but have lower levels of control over emissions elsewhere in the County - being limited in terms of our ability to regulate, purchase…
… the energy efficiency of their home. In these circumstances, we can still support residents to access reliable information on what steps are available to them to reduce emissions and highlight benefits of doing so. Our approach to achieving net-zero emissions and improving air quality therefore reflects the degree to which the council can control or influence a source of emissions. Recognising…
… funding tree planting, energy efficiency and renewable generation projects. We also continue to identify external sources of funding and develop bids for these, for example from Defra’s Air Quality Grant to help improve air quality, support for electric vehicle charging infrastructure from OLEV, and funding from BEIS to support decarbonisation in the public sector. Developing this Strategy We…
… local air quality using methods outlined in the Local Air Quality Management (LAQM) technical guidance and then reporting these results to DEFRA on an annual basis. If it is predicted that these will not be achieved an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) must be designated and an Air Quality Action Plan put in place to improve air quality to acceptable levels. National emission reduction…
… commitments for overall UK emissions of five damaging air pollutants are detailed in the Clean Air Strategy. The Clean Strategy also sets out the Government’s plans for dealing with all sources of air pollution, making our air healthier to breathe, protecting nature and boosting the economy. To help regulate the emissions released by some industries the Environmental Permitting Regulations (EPR) 2016…