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Search results for "clean air"

Including 4 closely related terms such as cleaner air, improve air quality, and improved air.

1 result

London Borough of Wandsworth

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… Planning and Transport 84. Implement Clean Air Zones Identify high pollution areas and potential implementation of Clean Air Zones in those areas Improved air quality in identified areas Low Low Improved Air Quality Q4 2020/21 Highways Operations and Streetscene 85. Identify cleaner air walking routes Routes identified and publicised Existing Enabling Improved Health Q1 2021/22…

… to Paper No. 21-61 – 2021 WESS Action Plan 9 Official Overarching action Specific Action(s) Measure / Target Cost Carbon Impact Co-benefits Timeline AD Lead (s) 87. Work with businesses to improve air quality and promote cleaner deliveries and sustainable transport to deliver a Clean Air Village in Wandsworth. Clean Air Village established Existing Low Improved Air Quality Q4…

… Roll out low emission fleet vehicles Compliance with the LEZ and ULEZ for Council vehicles, with zero emission vehicles the default option. Reduced Scope 1 carbon emissions from vehicles. High Medium Improved Air Quality Q3 2021/22 Highways Operations and Streetscene 2. Develop a plan for all Council vehicles to be zero emission by 2030 Plan developed. Pathway for reduced Scope 1…

… carbon emissions from vehicles. Existing Enabling Improved Air Quality Q1 2021/22 Highways Operations and Streetscene 3. Decarbonise buildings Carry out an energy audit of all buildings to establish their performance and improvement measures that are required Energy audits complete Medium Enabling Innovation and Funding Q4 2020/21 Property Services 4. Develop and deliver…

… waste collection processes (e.g. waste collection vehicles) in advance of new waste contract in 2024 Options for new waste contract to consider carbon emission reductions (e.g. waste collection vehicles) High High Reduced Waste Improved Air Quality Q4 2021/22 Contracts and Leisure 16. Low carbon procurement Provide training and guidance to staff within Procurement Services…


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