Including the closely related term improve air quality.
… of emissions in the borough of Northampton, with a focus on improving air quality and reducing vehicle emissions. It is recognised that poor air quality can have significant implications on human health, as well as for biodiversity, habitats and ecosystems. As such, it is critical that stringent measures are taken to improve air quality within the borough, and one such action is the formalisation…
… and associated landscapes should...Maximise the use of passive solar design to address heating and cooling…”. Furthermore Section 3 ‘The Green Infrastructure Framework’ identifies special policy areas which, amongst other aspects, will be a focus for promoting climate change mitigation, and also highlights that green infrastructure “supports healthier lifestyles, manages flood water, improves air…
… quality and helps to mitigate the effects of climate change”. Policies 19, 20 and 21 further expand on these areas and set out how green infrastructure will be delivered in North Northamptonshire…