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Search results for "clean air"

Including the closely related terms cleaner air, and improved air.

1 result

Mid Suffolk District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… and in the long term. This plan will not just address carbon emissions but will provide a range of wider benefits including energy cost savings for both residents and businesses to help with the cost of living, improved air quality and improved health and wellbeing now and in the long term. The plan focuses on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and clean power generation and interacts with action being…

… potential of increased active travel and improved air quality through reducing and electrifying traffic levels. This plan is aligned with Transport East, who are developing a net zero transport pathway for the region. Goals: We want to see: We are going to: Increased sustainable transport readiness. Reduced demand for car use. Transition to a zero-emission fleet…

… carbon transport methods will see an improvement in air quality across the county, particularly in urban areas. With cleaner air comes a healthier population and, if empowered by active travel methods, provides an opportunity to improve both physical and mental health. Electricity supply needs to become zero carbon, switching generation from fossil fuels to renewable energy technologies…


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