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Search results for "circular economy"

Including the related terms circular economies, circular economy opportunities, and circular economy principles.

288 results

Milton Keynes

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… and commercial buildings will secure energy resilience; we can ensure all waste created is reused to create alternative forms of energy Document title | Page 6 of 8 Circular economy Milton Keynes Council’s vision to have a sustainable future means we need to rethink the way our economy uses resources. A circular economy is one which seeks to maximise the use we get from our…

…. Milton Keynes will strive to be carbon neutral by 2030 and carbon negative by 2050 while creating one of the world’s most truly sustainable economies and models for growth. Our three priorities as outlined in this strategy are: a green energy revolution, to ensure the most efficient and low impact use of our resources, and to create a prosperous circular economy. These priorities ensure…

…, Milton Keynes Council Document title | Page 3 of 8 Strategy vision, principles and priorities Green energy Maximising the use of renewable energy, reducing carbon and providing resilience to the grid Circular economy Increasing the efficient use of resources to reuse materials, use less water, and ensure the best use…

… Facility already increases the level of waste salvaged for recycling that would have otherwise ended its useful life. Milton Keynes has world-leading businesses such as Bridgman & Bridgman that highlight that there is no need to compromise sustainable principles for economic growth. Circular economies will encourage the re- use of all resources. The use of land to capture…

Brighton and Hove City Council

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… the following key priority areas, with several cross-cutting themes to demonstrate the broader impact of actions targeted in each theme. Key priority topics • Travel and Transport • Energy and Water • Waste • Built Environment • Nature and Environment (Food, land use and agriculture) Cross-cutting themes • Community engagement • Jobs, education and skills • Circular economyAdaptation

… – through the planning system. low Short term Development industry Embed circular economy principles into new developments, construction and deconstruction projects medium Short term Development industry Build sustainable council housing Develop a design specification for carbon neutral homes Low Short-term Deliver pilot Zero Carbon social housing project at Victoria Road, Portslade…

… Waste 22 Built Environment 24 Nature and environment (food, land use, agriculture) 26 Communication and engagement 28 Jobs, Education and skills 30 Circular Economy 32 Adaptation 34 Carbon offsetting 36 Procurement This Programme is Brighton & Hove City Council’s response to the climate and biodiversity emergency. It sets the direction for action on climate change by the council…

…, the focus has been on transport and travel, the Climate Assembly and engagement on the Downland Estate Plan. The on-line space will cover a range of other themes and initiatives such as environmental engagement and the circular economy over the coming months and seek residents’ input to help the city to transition to carbon neutrality. Formal consultations Individual projects within the 2030…

… for climate action • Developing the circular economy especially in the construction industry • Solutions for scaling up energy efficiency retrofits for private housing • Understanding the carbon footprint of consumables such as food and clothing. This Programme will be reviewed in 2023 in line with the council’s Corporate Plan for 2020 – 2023, which aims to deliver a fairer city…

London Borough of Richmond upon Thames

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… with West London Climate Emergency Group, development evidence base on the extent of the circular economy, opportunity areas for expansion and measures for tracking circular economy Research and analysis produced and shared across West London Existing Enabling Innovation and Funding Q1 2021/22 Assistant Chief Executive 117. Working with West London Climate Emergency Group, develop a set…

… of circular economy principles and vision that all West London boroughs are signed up to Circular Economy principles and vision produced and agreed Existing Enabling Innovation and Funding Q2 2021/22 Assistant Chief Executive 118. Implement practical demonstrator pilots and projects to demonstrate circular economy in action Funding established and pilots set up Existing Low Innovation…

… Services 24. Work with partners to develop criteria that require disclosure of emissions, promote circular economy and reduce emissions through the supply chain Criteria developed Low High Thriving Green Economy Q1 2022/23 Financial Services 25. Reduce carbon impact of investments Ensure an environmental approach to the investment of Richmond’s cash balances is maintained Approach…

…. Develop a new Local Plan which places climate mitigation and adaption at its heart, with zero-carbon policies embedded across planning. This will, but is not limited to: - Encourage circular economy - Explore going beyond London Plan standards for carbon neutral developments, with offsetting a last resort - ensure developments are climate resilient and require the use of sustainable drainage…

… assessment from developers, circular economy statements and contributions to the costs of monitoring energy efficiency in line with the GLA’s ‘be seen’ hierarchy and monitoring guidance. Independent examination in public, report due Q2 2023/24 Adoption of New Local Plan: Q2 2023/24 61. Our streets 62. Changing our approach to parking Change our parking policies to persuade…

Angus Council

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… action should not be restricted to working within established concepts for business and governance and should take on board best practice from emerging sectors. Key examples of this relate to Circular Economy principles. This involves approaches to keeping existing products and materials in circulation for as long as possible, extracting the maximum value from them. The circular economy is one…

… environmental, economic or social benefits. However, limiting the framework of action to local considerations ultimately runs the risk of being restrictive and misdirected. 28 Circular Tayside. Available here. 17 Urban Foresight Baseline Baseline Emissions Inventory In order to understand how we can move…

London Borough of Islington

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economy principles are embedded in local businesses and supply chains are sustainable. • Tree cover is maximised and local biodiversity protected. • Any outstanding emissions are offset through carbon sequestration and other methods. 15 Figure 4. Energy advisor 16 Carbon Emissions: Any process that produces CO2 emissions, usually by burning fossil fuels. Carbon Neutral: The aim…

… and are empowered to do so. • Emissions from gas boilers and vehicles are eliminated. • Buildings in the borough are made as energy efficient as possible. • Renewable heat and power generation in the borough is maximised. • Any remaining electricity needs are sourced from certified renewable or zero carbon sources. • The planning system only allows fossil- fuel free buildings to be built. • Circular

Kirklees Council

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… resource use, the circular economy approach aims to increase the duration of a product’s useful life, ensuring that materials are productively used, ultimately reducing waste. By adopting circular economy principles in the appropriate actions within this action plan, Kirklees will align with Defra (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) Circular Economy package9. Doughnut Economics…

… actions. 21 BASIS FOR THINKING Throughout the work completed to deliver this action plan, several best practice ‘basis for thinking’ topics will be explored, understanding how they can help Kirklees, its business, partners, academics, and community groups, to develop a shared understanding and approach to address climate change. These are: Circular Economy Optimising…

… humanity can continue to develop and thrive, this concept provides long-term context for what this CCAP can help to achieve, taking action that will contribute towards keeping humanity within the thresholds of the planetary boundaries. 9 Gov.UK. 2020. Circular Economy Package Policy Statement. – Policy paper. [Online]. Accessed on 27th July 2022]. Available at: Circular Economy Package…

…/research/planetary- boundaries.html…

City of London

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… their biodiversity and resilience value Align our financial investment portfolio with the goals of the Paris Agreement on climate change Embed circular economy principles into our capital projects and reduce carbon intensity by using life cycle carbon and cost assessment techniques and design specifications Accelerate the move to net zero carbon and energy efficient tenanted buildings, working closely…

… renewable energy strategy Use our planning role to influence others to embed carbon analysis and circular economy principles in capital projects Advocate the importance of green spaces and urban greening as natural carbon sinks, and their contribution to biodiversity and overall wellbeing Support organisations in the Square Mile to build circular, low- carbon and resilient supply chains Provide…

… action on air pollution in London Reduce pollution and increase the resilience of the Square Mile Reduce air pollution through implementing our ambitious air quality and transport strategies Embrace circular economy principles across our strategies and work Work with our creative and educational sector partners to deliver sustainable initiatives Enhance greening and biodiversity across our…

…, transportation and waste, as well as transboundary transportation, industrial processes and product use and the agriculture, forestry and land use sectors. It does not include emissions from investments. Carbon removal is the process by which a carbon sink, such as forestry, reduces the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Circular economy means keeping resources in use for as long…

East Lothian Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

…:// through the supply chain and sub-contractors. The Policy was developed with input and feedback from Zero Waste Scotland through their capacity building mentoring programme undertaken by ProCirc, which supports public bodies to embed circular procurement and deliver circular economy and sustainable outcomes, with an emphasis…

… Waste Scotland through their capacity building mentoring programme undertaken by ProCirc, which supports public bodies to embed circular procurement and deliver circular economy and sustainable outcomes, with an emphasis on proactively supporting green recovery and delivering local benefits. It is now the intention to bring forward for approval guidance documents, specifically Sustainable…

Scarborough Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… must thus work collaboratively with educational and  business partners, such as the Skills Village, to ensure our workers and business leaders of the  coming years have the skills they need. Our growing local economy must also be embedded in circular economy principles, where one organisation’s waste becomes another’s key resource. The Council can play a key role here in  encouraging greater…

… recycling rates through its channels of communication and seeking opportunities to accept a wider range of goods for recycling, including food waste from 2023 as  national legislation changes.  The Council are proud of the efforts of communities and business in the Borough already  incorporating their own circular economy principles in their work and there is room to do more to  encourage and celebrate…

…. Corporate  Procurement  2021/22  and ongoing 3.4.3  Ensure circular economy and sustainability principles are included in pre‐tender market engagement. Corporate  Procurement  2021/22  and ongoing 3.4.4  Ensure local suppliers are engaged and encouraged to tender for suitable projects. Corporate  Procurement  2021/22  and ongoing 3.4.5  Eliminate single use plastic in the Council wherever…

…. Economic Development  and Regeneration  2022/23 4.3.6  Encourage community tree planting schemes in local communities.  Economic Development  and Regeneration  Ongoing 4.3.7  Test the efficacy of low/no‐peat compost for  Council plantings. Parks  2021/22                                                       4.4 Develop a strong green and circular economy that builds upon…

….                                                                                Actions to develop a strong green and circular economy that builds upon a community that  understands and cares about climate change Ref Action  Department  Timescale 4.4.1  Maintain funding and support for the Skills Village,  encouraging the deployment of green and low‐carbon  training including heat pump installation, solar panel installation, secondary retrofitting, and timber frame…

Shetland Islands Council

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economy principles. Outcome: We have a sustainable procurement strategy, including a monitoring and reporting mechanism, that includes scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions. 14 Code & Title Description Dates Progress Progress Statement CC043 Procurement Strategy Update SIC's Procurement Strategy toinclude sustainability guidance that requires procured goods, works, and services to make…

… commitments to sustainability and a circular economy - encouraging suppliers to reach Net Zero and mitigate the environmental impact of SIC's supply chain. Planned Start 01-Apr-2023 Actual Start Lead Original Due Date 31-Mar-2024 Expected success Assets, Commissioning and Procurement Due Date 31-Mar-2024 Robert Sinclair Completed Date Likely to meet target Code & Title Description Dates…

economy culture Raise awareness throughout Shetland Islands Council of the importance of sustainable procurement in addressing climate change, working towards creating a culture that supports a circular economy. Outcome: We have an active Procurement Network, with all managers and officers who engage with procurement understanding the impact of procurement on climate change targets. Code…

… investments Review pension and reserve fund investments, and bring sustainability criteria in to Council investments. Planned Start 01-Apr-2024 Actual Start Lead Original Due Date 31-Mar-2026 Expected success Finance Due Date 31-Mar-2026 Paul Fraser Completed Date Likely to meet target 3.3 Sustainable procurement Ensure a strategic approach to sustainable procurement duty aligning to circular

… Progress Progress Statement CC046 Local business compliance Support local businesses to ensure they are equipped with the tools and skills to comply with Net Zero directives and funding schemes. Planned Start 01-Apr-2023 Actual Start Lead Original Due Date 31-Mar-2025 Expected success Economic Development Due Date 31-Mar-2025 Tommy Coutts Completed Date Likely to meet target 3.4 Circular

Cambridgeshire County Council

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… emissions and waste (Please note: calculation currently unknown for construction materials but likely to be significant) √ – √ MITIGATION: Waste management Waste Disposal Review disposal and treatment mechanisms for waste to identify solutions and their implementation that reduce carbon emissions, support circular economy principles and reduce plastic pollution, in line with the contract…

… / adaptation strategies across all the Council’s statutory and discretionary services. – √ – Apply circular economy principles to our woodland and waste management e.g. using traditional woodland management techniques and the waste generated for local use √ √ √ Identify opportunities on County Council assets to trial new technologies, including electrolysis of hydrogen using solar PV and carbon capture…

… harvesting, to improve biodiversity net gain √ – √ Work with developers to influence waste collection infrastructure and collection options for new developments. √ – – Work with Cambridgeshire District and City councils to develop more sustainable waste management practices. √ – – Work with the Cambridgeshire Local Authorities on circular economy principles for waste management and economic development…

Surrey County Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… phases e.g. construction. 61% Emissions reduction across commercial and public buildings sector by 2035 against BAU as a minimum. Waste, Resources and Circular Economy Rethink our current approach to waste, to create a system centred on circular economy principles that seeks to prioritise the reduction of waste creation, encouraging innovative approaches to waste reutilisation…

Oxfordshire County Council

Direct link to summary document (PDF)

… “direct” or “scope 1 and 2” emissions) Include pass/fail sustainability pre-screening questions Apply sustainability, innovation and circular economy principles at the outset and in our soft market testing for major contracts. Over 80% of the Council’s spend is with our 25 biggest suppliers. By working with those suppliers, we have the greatest ability to influence the carbons emissions…

… impact of our purchasing and move towards a circular economy. spotlight on… Our suppliers Skanska, our highways contractor, is committed to working with Oxfordshire County Council for an accelerated decarbonisation of our highways contract, including taking a range of steps to reduce the embodied carbon in its infrastructure projects. 7 How we will achieve it We will transform…

…. Other engagement initiatives like Oxfordshire Open Thought Support the Local Industrial Strategy to position Oxfordshire as a leader in clean growth Support cross-sector innovation to move towards a circular economy Participate in an Oxfordshire cross-council climate group to join up our actions Support policies that enable zero- carbon developments within…

… by Scottish and Southern Energy Networks. The council will deliver a new spatial ‘energy insights’ tool to identify potential for generation and energy efficiency across the county. This strong Oxfordshire coalition involving public sector, community, academia and private sector, is a model for addressing systemic energy challenges. 11 circular economy re-design manu factur e recycle sharing…

…. There will be roles for new partnerships on investment and ownership models. The council’s commercial investment strategy already recognises the opportunity to align with energy strategy objectives in the county. We are committed to move to align our treasury investment with environmental and social governance best practice. spotlight on… Resilience and the Circular Economy A ‘circular economy’ is one which…

City of York Council

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… 1 Expand networks facilitating the donation of edible surplus food to food banks across the city 2 2 No single use plastic at the Christmas market 1 2 Engage with suppliers to adopt circular economy principles through procurement policies 2 1 Pilot recycled road surfaces - Trial a new lower carbon solution of ‘crumb’ recycled rubber tyres for resurfacing roads…

… based near each other could utilise the same supplier 2 S 1 Deliver a communications and behavioural food waste campaign using community growing projects and education in schools across all of CYC residents & businesses 1 M 3 Produce a Food waste strategy, once the Govt White Paper is released 2 L 1 Support growth in the circular economy - Develop a circular economy

… roadmap for the city, which maps material flows to identify opportunities for circularity and co-location. Bring stakeholders together and create the conditions for a circular economy to flourish 1 L 2 Communication and behavioural campaign on minimising water use to residents 1 M 2 Waste reduction, reuse & recycle initiatives - Reuse of household goods; Removal of organic waste…

… across the organisation 2 2 Develop education and communication campaigns for residents to raise awareness of what can be recycled 2 1 Support community groups to develop the local sharing/circular economy e.g. repair café, library of things, community fridge, food redistribution centres 1 2 Deliver pedestrian and cycle access to Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs…

…) so all residents can safely access the site and dispose of their household waste and recycling 1 1 Champion zero waste cafes and plastic free business to residents to encourage behaviour change to low waste services 1 1 Work with other local authorities to share case studies from businesses on circular economy practices to maximise environmental and economic opportunities 1…

Crawley Borough Council

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… and consider durability, longevity and sharing economy. Ensure systems conserve water, noting that water supply and disposal demand significant energy. 4.2. Adopt circular economy principles and follow the waste hierarchy of resource Reduction and Reuse before Recycling, including use of waste water – despite some mainstream recognition of the three ‘R’s, the focus still tends to be on recycling…

… and disposal. A circular economy is based on the principles of designing out waste and pollution, keeping products and materials in use, and Core Principles: 3.1. Reduce total mileage travelled 3.2. Necessary travel/transport will be by low carbon modes, always prioritising active and shared travel 3.3. Rationalise and decarbonise tools and machinery Core Principles: 4.1. Prioritise…

… minimising resource use, reducing waste creation including reduction in water use 4.2. Apply the circular economy approach and follow the waste hierarchy of resource reduction and reuse before recycling, including use of waste water 8 regenerating natural systems. We need to embed these principles into our everyday operation and decision making. 5. Procurement 5.1. Minimise…

Renfrewshire Council

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… Maximise reuse, repair and recovery Sustainable waste management Supporting communities to reduce waste Offsetting: disposal as a last resort, with local offsetting of associated emissions to compensate How the Council will lead and enable the transition: We will identify procurement hot spots within the Council's supply chains, activities and operations to maximise circular economy opportunities

… of Renfrewshire's Plan for Net Zero, its priorities, key themes, actions and next steps On this page Summary 5 key themes and actions: Clean energy Sustainable transport Circular economy Connected…

… infrastructure across Renfrewshire, and will meet the equivalent of 100% of this increased electrical demand from renewables by 2030 Circular economy We will make Renfrewshire a zero-waste society with a circular economy: minimising waste and maximising reuse, recycling and recovery of resources rather than treating them as waste Priority areas Reduce waste at source…

Cardiff Council

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… and to embed circular economy principles where possible Promote opportunities to reduce the carbon impact of staff commute by progressing hybrid working opportunities. Promoting a shift to sustainable forms of travel and considering a Salary Sacrifice scheme for EV Collate total impact of collective carbon reduction strategies in the city and identify opportunities for acceleration through…

… Projects Heat Network Single Use Plastic Position Statement & Action Plan Low Energy Private Housing Retrofit Business travel initiatives Low Carbon/ Circular Economy Procurement Strategy Staff Commute Initiatives Public Sector Partnership working OPC THEME PROJECT TITLE To ensure delivery of the One Planet Cardiff carbon reduction targets, within both the Education and Corporate…

… initiative to be addressed following carbon audit results PSB Climate Emergency Board established Development of detailed strategy informed by current pilot schemes Seek cabinet approval of business case 2022/23 Assess impacts of strategy on reducing emissions Circular economy and low carbon training for specifiers. PROJECT DETAILS PROJECT STATUS NEXT STEPS CARBON IMPACT Cardiff Council…

Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames

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… of climate change Theme 4: Waste Reduction Ref. Actions to reduce the Council’s carbon emissions Key objectives 4.1 Phase out use of single use plastic in council operations and encourage our suppliers and partners to do the same Decrease waste and increase recycling rates 4.2 Identify where circular economy principles can be included in our procurement policies and processes and develop ways…

… in shaping the future 4.13 Run campaigns with residents to promote circular economy principles, increase recycling rates and reduce food waste within the home, reducing unnecessary packaging Involve and empower the community in shaping the future 4.14 Investigate setting up community sharing resources, such as a ‘library of things’ and “community fridges” Involve and empower the community in shaping…

Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

…% reduction by 2050 97% reduction by 2045 94% reduction by 2040 88% reduction by 2035 75% reduction by 2030 2020 50% reduction by 2025 Page 21 Strategic themes 3.8 We have structured our strategy around four strategic themes. The strategic framework provides the basis for our ongoing activity and investment. The themes comprise of circular economy, energy, natural environment…

… and transport and in doing so reflect the commitments that were made by the council in declaring both an environment and climate emergency. Circular economy Energy Natural environment Transport Page 22 Strategic framework summary 3.36 For each theme we have identified an over-arching aim and three objectives. These have guided the action plan for the first five years and will provide…

… Borough come from? 17 Industrial and commercial sector emission sources 19 Domestic sector emission sources 19 Transport sector emission sources 19 3. Vision, aims and objectives 20 Emissions trajectory to net zero - Roadmap to 2050 20 The borough’s pathway to net zero 21 Strategic themes 22 4. Initial action plan - 2020-25 29 Circular Economy 30 Energy 31 Natural Environment 33 Transport…

… themes We have structured our strategy around four key themes to focus strategic action on areas we have control over at a local level: Circular economy Circular Economy refers to more sustainable resource use. Attention will be focused on reducing waste, encouraging material re-use, increasing recycling and supporting less resource intensive lifestyles. Energy 67% of the borough’s emissions…

… the strategic framework for the development of future action plans to 2050. Circular economy Aim: Reduce waste and consumption, increase material re-use and increase recycling rates in the borough. Objectives: • Improve recycling rates • Encourage waste avoidance and material reuse through our services and operations. • Champion waste reduction in the wider community. Energy Aim: Reduce energy…

London Borough of Sutton

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… organisations and citizens can decide whether to purchase or hire something used infrequently, avoiding purchases with excessive packaging, switching to reusing water bottles and coffee cups, and taking a reusable bag to the shops. Businesses in the borough can access support to consider how they could adopt circular economy principles through Advance London.26 It is estimated that by 2036…

… SUTTON’S ENVIRONMENT STRATEGY 2019–2025 & CLIMATE EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN CONTENTS Foreword - Cllr Manuel Abellan 3 Foreword - Cllr Ben Andrew 5 The Vision 6 Be part of this! 8 Cleaner air 12 A greener borough 16 Achieving net zero carbon 20 Creating a circular economy 24 Tackling climate change 28 Implementation…

… or on foot. We’ll have more green spaces, connected to each other, protecting and enhancing nature and biodiversity. Our energy will be renewable and our homes will be warm in winter, cool in summer, and well insulated. We will reduce waste and create a circular economy, with options to reuse, repair or re-manufacture the things we buy. We will be able to withstand heat waves, droughts and flooding…

… and local sources of energy, helping to deliver boroughwide zero carbon emissions. Take action to tackle fuel poverty. TACKLING CLIMATE CHANGE Retain Sustainable Food City status each year. Raise awareness of the climate emergency and the impacts of climate change on Sutton. CREATING A CIRCULAR ECONOMY Reduce waste and increase reuse and recycling from 50% year on year. Embed…

…:// THE VISION Waste will be reduced and a circular economy created. Sutton’s Environment Strategy | 2524 | Sutton’s Environment Strategy CREATING A CIRCULAR ECONOMY THE CURRENT SITUATION. A circular economy means everything is reused, repaired, or re-manufactured into a new product or recycled. This is only possible…


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