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Search results for "circular economy"

1 result

West Dunbartonshire Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… and Vulnerability 9 Strategic Environmental Assessment 10 4 Themes and Actions 12 Actions 12 Overarching Actions 13 Energy, Water & Assets 14 Housing 15 Waste & Circular Economy 16 Sustainable Travel 17 Sustainable Procurement 18 Biodiversity, Greenspace & Landscape 19 Climate Impacts, Risk & Adaptation 20 Schools & Education 21 Communities & Health 22 5…

… Dunbartonshire. CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION PLAN - TAKING ACTION FOR A NET ZERO FUTURE 14 15 CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION PLAN - TAKING ACTION FOR A NET ZERO FUTURE CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION PLAN - TAKING ACTION FOR A NET ZERO FUTURE Waste & Circular Economy The Council will take action to manage waste sustainably by reducing, reusing, recycling and recovering waste to improve resource efficiency whilst working…

… towards a circular economy. A circular economy is part of the solution to our global climate emergency - one in which products, services and systems are designed to maximise their value and minimise waste. It’s an all-encompassing approach to life and business, where everything has value and nothing is wasted (Zero Waste Scotland, 2016). Transitioning to a Circular Economy and enhancing resource…

…, researching ways to transition to a zero waste and circular economy by supporting national efforts to eradicate waste to landfill. • Implement and monitor a new Circular Economy and Waste Reduction Strategy for West Dunbartonshire - detailing how the Council will help reduce, reuse and recycle, detailing corporate standards, targets and staff guidance for our waste activities, including improving…

… infrastructure. • Develop a new Materials/Resources Transfer Station for West Dunbartonshire. • Research and implement alternative and/or innovative waste recycling and circular economy facilities and projects, e.g. for Anaerobic Digestion (AD) and similar technologies. • Undertake a review and implement recommendations (where feasible) to further reduce food waste and food miles in all council buildings…


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