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Search results for "circular economy"

1 result

Blackpool Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… Environment Bill, which is likely to include collecting more recyclable material from houses • Continue to work with Keep Britain Tidy and the LoveMyBeach campaign to reduce beach and street litter • Promote the benefits of the circular economy, where goods are refurbished and resold instead of being disposed • Develop or adopt a low carbon/plant- based food award scheme for participating…

… the environmental benefits they can provide, as well as creating jobs for local people and other positive outcomes. Some of our most important actions include: • Work with businesses to promote the environmental and financial benefits of the circular economy • Promote and support take- up of a sustainable tourism accreditation programme • Work with the borough’s largest employers to set targets…

…. Further roll out provision of recycling facilities to HMOs and flats Both Director of ENVECO March 2022 Head of Waste Policy and Partnerships; Strategy and Climate Manager; ENVECO Maximise takeup of recycling 52. Promote the environmental and financial benefits of the circular economy, including reduction of consumption, re- use of goods and increasing recycling Town Director of Community…


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