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Search results for "circular economy"

Including the closely related term circular economy principles.

1 result

Cambridgeshire County Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… emissions and waste (Please note: calculation currently unknown for construction materials but likely to be significant) √ – √ MITIGATION: Waste management Waste Disposal Review disposal and treatment mechanisms for waste to identify solutions and their implementation that reduce carbon emissions, support circular economy principles and reduce plastic pollution, in line with the contract…

… / adaptation strategies across all the Council’s statutory and discretionary services. – √ – Apply circular economy principles to our woodland and waste management e.g. using traditional woodland management techniques and the waste generated for local use √ √ √ Identify opportunities on County Council assets to trial new technologies, including electrolysis of hydrogen using solar PV and carbon capture…

… harvesting, to improve biodiversity net gain √ – √ Work with developers to influence waste collection infrastructure and collection options for new developments. √ – – Work with Cambridgeshire District and City councils to develop more sustainable waste management practices. √ – – Work with the Cambridgeshire Local Authorities on circular economy principles for waste management and economic development…


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