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Search results for "circular economy principles"

Including the closely related term circular economy.

1 result

Rugby Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… part in addressing a global emergency. Together, we must all take action now. Cllr Emma Crane Climate Change Champion 4Climate Change Strategy | Rugby Borough Council Workplaces and Economy Adaptation Transport Waste, Resources and the Circular Economy Homes and Energy Natural Environment OUR NET ZERO VISION ‘Rugby is an environmentally sustainable place where we work together…

…. Workplaces and Economy Adaptation Transport Waste, Resources and the Circular Economy Homes and Energy Natural Environment Climate and Nature Positive Communities 12Climate Change Strategy | Rugby Borough Council CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION PLAN The following action plan provides a clear statement of our 2030 goals and how we will deliver them. These goals will be integrated into all aspects of the work…

…, Resources and the Circular Economy 3% of the UK’s total greenhouse gas emissions come from waste. Approximately 89% of these emissions come from landfill sites where biodegradable wastes decompose to produce methane and carbon dioxide gas. In the UK, it is estimated that households produce around 9.5 million tonnes of food waste, the majority of which was intended to be consumed by people. More than 25…

…. Our priority must be to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill in the first place, moving from a throwaway culture and towards a circular economy where we eliminate waste, re-use resources, and adopt nature positive, low carbon, resource-efficient systems. We must reconsider our use of natural resources, focusing on sustainable consumption, production and materials management. The circular…

… model redefines the economy around principles of designing out waste and pollution, keeping products and materials in use for as long as possible. 30Climate Change Strategy | Rugby Borough Council WASTE, RESOURCES AND THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY Our 2030 Goals: The Borough will benefit from a resources and waste economy, which is focused on elimination of waste, re-use of goods, recycling of materials…


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