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Search results for "circular economy principles"

Including 4 closely related terms such as circular economy principles, circular economy, and principle.

1 result

Southend-on-Sea Borough Council

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

… campaigns, providing separate collection for recycling and food waste, and implementing waste-to-energy schemes that link back into the net zero agenda. One essential action will be identifying how the Council can adopt circular economy principles into its decision-making framework, identifying how waste across the borough can be minimised. 7. Climate Adaptation: We have a crucial role in increasing…

… Plan. Waste Team. Q3. 2021 6 uptake of the circular economy. 1.1.5. Ensure that net zero carbon and ‘climate positive’ will feature as major considerations in the Council’s new Local Transport Plan (adoption in 2022). Continued development of new Local Transport Plan. Cost: Low (Consultants to draft the Local Transport Plan) Increased…

… 24 Sub-Priority Action Output Measure of Success / Outcome Owner Delivery Date 2.6. Reduce waste (and associated carbon emissions) by promotion of the circular economy within the Council’s own estate and services. 2.6.1. Developing an Action Plan to reduce waste arising and increasing reuse and recycling within the Council’s estate and own operations. Identify…

… opportunities to implement the circular economy within the Council’s own estate and services. New Circular Economy Action Plan. Cost: Low (Staff Costs) Adopted Action Plan. Facilities Management and Waste Team. Q4. 2021 2.6.2. Build an understanding of the scale of ‘lost plastics’ throughout the borough and identify solutions that can help reduce the volume…


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