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Search results for "circular economy principles"

Including the closely related term circular economy.

1 result

East Ayrshire Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… landfill, as we work towards the creation of a circular economy. 50. The introduction of the recycling trolley here in East Ayrshire places us at the forefront of Scottish Councils in actively promoting recycling. This new system makes it as easy as possible for our residents to recycle and has already had a positive impact on our recycling rates which rose to 53.2% in 2019 as increased…

… compliance with the ban. The Circular Economy - Promoting re-use 53. Four-fifths of Scotland’s carbon footprint comes from products and materials. The production, consumption and waste of these products and materials are heating the earth at an alarming rate. To address this issue it is recognised that we need to increase that pace of change and promote the circular economy in Scotland…

…. A circular economy is one in which products, services and systems are designed to maximise their value and minimise waste. Products last longer when they are reused, repaired, remanufactured or recycled. There should be zero waste in a truly circular economy. 54. The Council already supports the reuse of waste by working in partnership with the Cumnock and Doon Valley Gift Furniture scheme…

… and Cunninghamme Housing Association to reuse furniture and other goods and a range of contracts are in place to recycle and or reuse electronic and other products, however, this activity is largely driven by the residual value of these waste products and there is much more that we as a Council can do to promote a circular economy here in East Ayrshire. There is a real opportunity to put this into practice…


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