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Search results for "circular economy principles"

Including 6 closely related terms such as circular economies, circular economy, and circular economy principles.

1 result

West Midlands Combined Authority

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… to shift to one which is zero carbon and abides by circular economy principles, while enabling the people of the region to build and enjoy their prosperity. That is not where we are at the beginning of 2020. The choices we make now will determine whether the region can deliver on its obligations, and the extent to which we can do so in a way which alleviates poverty, deeper inequality…

… time outdoors in green space. Active travel. Breathing cleaner air. Living in a comfortable home. A steady income. Investments into tackling climate change will put these opportunities front and centre. 4. Take a ‘circular’ approach: circular economies ‘design out’ waste and pollution, keep products and materials in use, and regenerate natural systems. This encompasses the reduction, re-use…


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