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Search results for "circular economy principles"

Including the closely related term circular economy.

1 result

Essex County Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… and deliver a more circular economy; to help our communities be more resilient against flooding, heat stress and water shortages; and to work with communities and businesses providing advice and support to enable them to take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and build their own climate resilience. The commitment to a strong, inclusive and sustainable economy includes a commitment to green…

… Capital 2021/22. 31 8. Waste In ‘Our Plan for Essex’, we have committed to minimise waste and reduce its environmental impacts. By supporting residents and businesses to reduce waste and increase recycling, and by working towards a more circular economy, we can better protect our natural resources. We have already committed to zero waste to landfill by 2030, through the delivery of waste…

… reduction, enhanced recycling and sustainable disposal. We are relaunching our Recycling Centres by bringing this service in- house and focusing it on meeting local needs and providing enhanced opportunities to reuse and recycle. Whilst our engagement with residents and partners through ‘Love Essex’ and the ‘Blueprint for a Circular Economy’ project is ensuring we are all better equipped to reduce…

… will have tackling climate change at its core to ensure waste system design, procurement and operational approaches actively contribute to net zero targets. We have already committed to zero waste to landfill by 2030 We are relaunching our Recycling Centres by bringing this service in-house We are working towards a more circular economy 32 Initiative Description Financial…

… commitment Align ECC strategic aims New Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy (JMWMS) To develop a future vision and approach for waste in Essex which aligns with the ECAC recommendations to minimise waste, maximise recycling and embed a circular economy in Essex. This joint strategy with the Essex Borough, City and District Councils will develop the strategic framework needed to deliver…


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