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Search results for "charging points"

Including the closely related terms ev charging points, and vehicle charging.

1 result

London Borough of Wandsworth

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… Sustainability Partnership, delivery of a new Walking and Cycling Strategy, installation of 207 EV charging points and 90 bikehangars, a food waste collection pilot, climate risk mapping and 5 parks in Wandsworth awarded Green Flags. Combined action across the organisation has seen a drop in carbon emissions for the organisation and the borough as a whole. A detailed list of actions delivered is set out…

… for their excellence, the 5 parks with green flag status retained this award, while more water fountains have been installed in parks across the borough, split bins for waste and recycling have been installed, better signage put in place and a litter picking recyclables trial has been developed. The sustainability of parks contractors has also been improved, 3 electric vehicle charging points are now available…


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