Including the closely related terms more charging points, and vehicle charging.
… if gas is no longer desirable for CHP it can be run off hydrogen in the future. ü 1.84 GRANGE PADDOCKS - Installation of EV charger(s) 1 charging point with 2 car capacity in Car Park C has now been installed. Charging costs to the end user need to be agreed before activation. Provision (passive) for 7 more charging points in Car Park B ü ü 1.8.5 GRANGE PADDOCKS - Review contractor utilisation…
… Standards SPD) which will include requirements for vehicle charging points etc. The provisional timetable plans for consultation in late 21 with adoption in early 2022. ü ü ü 2.1.3 Publish a Biodiversity SPD. Yet to commence. Planned for 2022 ü ü 2.1.4 Publish a revised District Plan A District Plan review has now started with a ‘call for sites’. ü ü ü ü ü ü 2.2 Develop sustainability advice geared…