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Search results for "charging points"

Including the closely related term car charging.

1 result

East Devon District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… DPD through examination and to adoption including policies that seek to encourage zero carbon development at the new town and requires connection to the existing heat and power network and a number of other measures to require low carbon development such as electric vehicles charging points, fabric first measures in all new buildings, the provision of high quality digital connectivity…

… of new development. Deliver a Fleet Management Plan which is part of delivering a low carbon future through smarter choices, including electric vehicle infrastructure. July 2020 AE/AH Create a change in personal travel. EDDC CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION PLAN 2020 – 2040 (Ten Point Plan v7) MITIGATION £120k Revenue (car park electric charging points) GF Actively investigate…

… and ‘embodied energy’ in the transport infrastructure. Encourage non-car travel for all sectors of the population, through targeted advice, incentives and enforcement. Support car share initiatives and low emission pool cars for essential business activities. Install electric car charging points in all car parks and explore the opportunities for charging points in other public spaces, street furniture…


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