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Search results for "charging points"

Including the closely related term vehicle charging.

1 result

Bracknell Forest Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… production of renewable energy, Domestic eco-heating initiatives, waste re-use / recycling, electric vehicle (EV) charging points, and reducing the number of residents commuting by car / increasing those commuting by non-car means. CO2 Emissions for the Bracknell Forest Council area 2005-2018 Since 2003, the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) has published carbon dioxide…

… and Working with schools to encourage more cycling. • Campaigned to increase walking, cycling and the use of public transport in the borough. This resulting in annual bus travel, increasing by 13% between April 2017 to April 2018, a 2% increase in the number of people walking and a 13% in bike journeys, between May 2018 and May 2019. • Installed Electric Vehicle charging points in and around…

…-insulated homes Number of electric vehicle (EV) charging points available High number of people commuting to work by car Number of people commuting by non-car means This assessment is historical and therefore doesn’t reflect the projects undertaken in the last few years or the projects that have been commissioned recently under the Bracknell Forest Council Plan 2020-2023. That said…


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