Including the closely related term vehicle charging.
… for electric vehicle charging points in the Council’s car parks. and the recent £1.26 million commitment to investing in Richmond Swimming Pool, which will include roof mounted solar panels and thermally efficient roofing, walling and glazing. The Council has also been successful in attracting some external grant funding to support carbon reduction projects, and accessing further funding opportunities…
…) and procure and install appropriate EV charging infrastructure at Depot. Sep-22 Waste and Street Scene Manager Allocation already in capital programme. £15K from green initiatives for EV charging point at depot. CRP9 Review the low or no carbon options for replacement residual waste collection vehicles. Review and report on options and costs to replace vehicles, having regard…
… Vehicle Charging Points - Council car parks Installation and commissioning of 20 affordable electric vehicle charging points in Council car parks across the District, and an extension to scheme (into 22/23) to include Depot charging point. Mar-22 Corporate Director (Operations) £200,000 capital programme, £20,000 green initiatives budget. COM2 Electric Taxi Incentive Scheme…
… Design and deliver limited one-off incentive scheme to increase electric taxi numbers. Mar-22 Housing Options and Environmental Health Manager New allocation - £5000 from green initiatives budget. COM3 Encouraging commercial/ retail premesis to install electric vehicle charging points Contact and provide grant/ advice signposting to 25 site owners/ operators. If Year 1…
… CRP7 Option appraisal for electric small vehicles and Depot charging points. Review to be supported by the Energy Savings Trust, and to include investigation of any cost saving sponsorship opportunities. Dec-21 Waste and Street Scene Manager/ Climate Change Officer Within existing. CRP8 Purchase and operate at least one small electric vehicle. Procure electric vehicle(s…