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Search results for "charging points"

Including the closely related term charge points.

1 result

Reading Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… significant contributions to meeting the net zero carbon targets. It is estimated that an all-electric fleet would reduce energy use (kWh) by 75%, and carbon emissions by 90%, as illustrated by Table 4.1 below (GFR 2020). Furthermore, if solar electricity generation is co-located with the electric vehicle charge points, there would be the opportunity to achieve net zero by 2030. Table 4.1: Impact…

… the first phase of renewable onsite generation at the depot. Travel & transport Within the last 5 years, the Council has invested in nine electric vehicles with associated charging points. Investigations are ongoing to establish the best route for full electrification of the vehicle fleet. Classification: OFFICIAL Appendix 3: DRAFT RBC CORPORATE CARBON PLAN 2020-25 9 | P a g e…


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