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Search results for "charging points"

Including the closely related terms more charging points, and ev charging points.

1 result

Maidstone Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (HTML)

… transportation Aim: To support the shift from cars to active travel, public transport and enable the transformation from fossil fuels dependency to no tailpipe emissions. Transport creates the largest amount of emissions in the borough. It has a negative impact on air quality and our health. The results from the residents’ survey showed support for investing in active travel and providing more charging points

… and responsibility: Parking Services, Strategic Planning team and BCC Manager. Timescale: 2020-30 Action 1.8 Utilise advice from the Energy Saving Trust (EST) Local Authority Transport Service to facilitate a move to electric taxis. Liaise with relevant partners to monitor use and ensure infrastructure is provided appropriately. Output: Achieve the minimum number of rapid (50kW) EV charging points dedicated…

… of this policy was not agreed up by the licensing committee based on concerns raised by the taxi trade. MBC is currently seeking closer collaboration with the Taxi firms and scoping alternative means to encourage EV usage. Action 1.10 Promote workplace vehicle chargers and government Workplace Charging Scheme Output: Scheme promoted to businesses. Outcome: Increased number of EV charging points at businesses…

… network operators and other relevant partners to seek grants and funding to provide sufficient EV charging hubs. Output: Funds sought for EV charging infrastructure and alignment with district and county policies. Launch anti-idling campaign and install sign across priority areas of Maidstone. Outcome: Charging points provided to anticipate, and meet, needs for vehicle charging across the borough. Cost…

… to taxi use needed in the town centre in-line with the EST report recommendations of: 3 by 2021 16 by 2025 21 by 2027 23 by 2030 25 by 2036 Outcome: Monitor charging point provision and ensure they are sufficient by paying for the costs, applying for grant funding, or entering a partnership to ensure provision meets need and market growth. Cost and responsibility: Costs vary dependent on location…


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