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Search results for "charging points"

Including the closely related term electric charging.

1 result

London Borough of Newham

Direct link to citizens' assembly (PDF)

… the borough for e-vehicles. 88% 12% There was recognition that many Newham residents liked using their cars and were reluctant to change them for electric cars until they were convinced there were sufficient electric charging points. This led to a discussion about how local people could be incentivised to switch to electric cars and the resulting recommendation that electric vehicles should be free…

… to provide e-charging points in accessible areas across the borough. 4. Improve existing cycle lanes and walkways make them safer for use e.g. road surface, lighting and cut back vegetation enabling greater individual and group use. Support 91% Support 88.3% Support 88% Support 100% Support 94% Theme 4 Food and Recycling General Message: Newham will reduce food waste and food miles and aspire…

…/purchases; where is the evidence that the land would be better used for parking spaces than greening spaces that grow local food? Was a key challenge to the above. 34 Recommendation 3 Businesses and council to apply for grants to provide e-charging points in accessible areas across the borough. 100% 0% This recommendation was made in relation to communities expecting the Council to use…


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