Including 4 closely related terms such as electric charging points, public charging points, and electric charging.
…) and include climate change policy guidance Transport Deliver electric charging points at 10 - 12 public car parks across Torbay Deliver 5 active travel projects as outlined in the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) and Local Transport Action Plan Finalise an electric charging infrastructure strategy for Torbay and scale up delivery of public charging points across Torbay Subject…
… Deliver 5 active travel projects as outlined in the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) and Local Transport Action Plan * Deliver Edginswell Station, a new railway station in the Torquay Gateway 2024 Deliver electric charging points at 10 - 12 public car parks across Torbay * Finalise an electric charging infrastructure strategy for Torbay and scale up delivery of public…
… by 2030 Subject to resources and based on the Green Fleet Review, pilot an electric vehicles (EV) trial within the fleet To commence the transition of the fleet, where appropriate, to electric vehicles, install electric charging points at the Aspen Way Depot and/or other suitable sites Based on the Green Fleet Review, identify an annual capital budget to start to replace the fleet with EV/ultra low…
… Initial installation of electric vehicle charging point(s) to aid fleet transition 3 x Rewilding projects Match funding for forthcoming Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme funding bids Additional staff are required to deliver some of the actions in this plan, including the need for a new energy contract officer, energy officer (including decarbonisation of the estate), climate emergency support…
… sustainable staff travel * * Subject to resources and based on the Green Fleet Review, pilot an electric vehicles (EV) trial within the fleet * To commence the transition of the fleet, where appropriate, to electric vehicles, install electric charging points…