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Search results for "charging points"

Including the closely related terms charge points, and car charging.

1 result

Harlow Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… of reducing waste  Work with community groups to promote and assist in tree planting schemes  Reaffirming the council’s commitment to the Garden Town development’s principles of sustainable transport.  Installing electric car charging points across all council car parks within the next five years where possible  Promoting the installation of electric car charging points

charge points at a rate of one per 20 homes for new developments 5. The climate emergency motion also includes the creation of an action plan which focuses on reducing the impact of day to day living on the environment beyond that caused by greenhouse gas emissions. A number of short, medium and long term proposals for consideration have been set out for each of the three climate emergency…

… with Passivhaus standards; ii) Alternative heating solutions in line with Climate Change Committee recommendations; iii) Methods of increasing biodiversity, including SuDS, at each site; iv) Identifying and using ‘green’ materials with low/zero carbon footprint; v) Methods of reducing fleet and plant emissions during the construction of each site; and vi) Installation of electric car


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