Including 47 related terms such as reduce, carbon reductions, and various carbon reduction.
… - Corporate Carbon Reduction Plan Figure 4: Recommended reduction pathway for carbon to 2030 1.27 The detailed carbon reduction analysis can be found in the LASER report. 1.28 Based on the carbon budget pathway analysis, meeting the 2030 carbon neutral target, would contribute to annual carbon savings of approximately 2,154 tonnes carbon (tCO2e) from business as usual. The current…
… will outline the Council’s vision for managing and reducing emissions arising from its own Page 9 of 20 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council Report of the Climate Emergency Advisory Panel - Corporate Carbon Reduction Plan activities over the next 10 years. With a yearly action plan that is reviewed and updated annually. 2.6 Assessing various carbon reduction opportunities including…
… Projects • Appendix B: Corporate Carbon Descent Plan with the Action Plan 2021– 2022 • Appendix C: LASER Report: Tunbridge Wells Borough Council January 2021 Background Papers: None Page 18 of 20 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council Report of the Climate Emergency Advisory Panel - Corporate Carbon Reduction Plan 9. Cross Cutting Issues A. Legal (including the Human Rights…
… Report of the Climate Emergency Advisory Panel - Corporate Carbon Reduction Plan Page 1 of 20 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council Report of the Climate Emergency Advisory Panel - Corporate Carbon Reduction Plan Report of the Climate Emergency Advisory Panel - Corporate Carbon Reduction Plan For Cabinet on 11 March 2021…
… Tunbridge Wells Borough Council Report of the Climate Emergency Advisory Panel - Corporate Carbon Reduction Plan 1. Introduction and Background 1.1 In July 2019 Full Council, (FC29/19), declared a “climate emergency” and agreed to start a dedicated report within the fiscal year setting out the actions the council needs to take to address this emergency. Including how the wider community…
… to importance of scale of investment and low rating of political acceptability. With investment in ‘in-borough’ assets marginally more appealing to members than investment in out-of-borough assets. Though small-scale community energy generation i.e., roof-top solar would be an option, but this is likely to feature more prominently in the Borough wide carbon reduction plan and as part of ‘offsetting…
… when all effort has been made to reduce carbon emissions. To adhere to the convention of carbon reduction, only emissions that cannot be abated by other means should be offset. Significant offsetting leaves the Council exposed to the market to meet their target. The carbon offsetting costs (£/tonne CO₂e) used in this analysis are based on government forecast figures in a mid-range scenario…
… a strategic view of carbon reduction to be taken and embed change across the organisation to achieve robust emissions reductions. TWBC recognises the significant role it can play in helping to accelerate the transition towards low carbon. 3 Communications plan to promote the Council’s carbon reduction work to the wider public & organisations End April 2021 Sustainability…
…. Page 25 of 31 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council Corporate Carbon Descent Plan & Action Plan 2021-2022 Date of publication – 31 March 2021 Property – Carbon Reduction Opportunities Ref: Action summary Completion date: Council Team Responsible Outline Impact 4 Determine the estates future by encourage the Council to undertake a review of its property portfolio and carry…
… the necessary freedoms to enable the Council to act on the climate emergency. Ongoing CEAP / Sustainability / BDU / Executive Directorate / Communications Deliver on the Councils commitment to engage with their communities through citizen’s assembly. Develop a Borough wide Carbon Reduction Plan to complement the Councils other plans such as Local Plan, Transport Strategy, Air Quality…
… to implement change. • Action Owner: Finance / HR / Carbon Management • Cost: Projects may increase in capital costs, but often deliver revenue savings. To be assessed on a case-by-case basis. • Measurable metrics: % of key decisions that have considered carbon reduction; % of the Council finance portfolio investing in low carbon investments. • Potential Carbon reduction: Significant…
…, as the Council investments (such as pension) have the potential to help grow the low carbon industrial sector and reduce indirect Council emissions. • The detailed actions for Objective C3 are listed below. 1. All council decisions need to factor in carbon reduction. Ongoing. Owner: Carbon Management, Corporate Policy, Cabinet. 2. To review the Council’s banking and pension investments, ensure…
… chain, including food suppliers, and other businesses as part of carbon reduction programme, from 2020. Owner: Carbon Management / Procurement. Note: Subject to approval by the relevant service area. Supports local wealth agenda. 5. Promote vegetarian and vegan food that is locally produced at Council events through our procurement strategies, from 2021. Owner: All Services / Procurement…
… together to address the Climate Emergency. Since the draft Action Plan was launched a year ago, we have not stopped action on delivering carbon reduction projects. In the last year we have started our School Streets Programme, worked with local businesses on e-cargo bikes, and started the Homes for Haringey retrofit programmes. We are delivering policy documents such as the New Local Plan…
… reduce carbon emissions from the borough by 36.7% and Haringey is on target in meeting the 40% reduction by 2020 (also known as 40:20 target) from our 2005 baseline. Our historic success in reducing emissions in the borough is due to our proactive working with businesses, the community and other stakeholders. Our work has included undertaking pilot studies and projects, encouraging active…
… and operations. In 2008 we undertook our first Carbon Reduction Plan and since then we have reduced our emissions by 36% compared to 2005 levels1. The 2008 Plan set out a strategic and planned approach to reducing carbon emissions from our estate and operations. The Plan targeted the areas of the Council’s activity which contributed most to our carbon emissions (e.g., swimming pools and leisure…
… that have considered carbon reduction % of the Council finance portfolio investing in low carbon investments Potential Carbon reduction Significant, as the Council investments (such as pension) have the potential to help grow the low carbon industrial sector and reduce indirect Council emissions. Action Deadline Action owner Notes All council decisions need to factor in carbon reduction…
… lets. From 2020 Procurement / Carbon Management Subject to approval by the service area. For the Council and public bodies to support the local supply chain, including food suppliers, and other businesses as part of carbon reduction programme. From 2020 Procurement / Carbon Management Subject to approval by the relevant service area. Supports local wealth agenda…
… change. Action Owner HR / Carbon Management / Staff Cost <£5k and existing staff time Measurable metrics Number of staff events focused on sustainability each year Potential carbon reduction Medium. Many staff are local residents, and this has the potential to engage and support wider stakeholders through action and information. It increases ownership of the agenda issue throughout…
… Action Plan was launched a year ago, we have not stopped action on delivering carbon reduction projects. In the last year we have started our School Streets Programme, worked with local businesses on e-cargo bikes, and started the Homes for Haringey retrofit programmes. We are delivering policy documents such as the New Local Plan and the draft Walking and Cycling Action Plan. We launched web-based…
… of a Climate Emergency Action Programme to address these two declarations and contains a Carbon Management Plan for the Council’s own estate and a Climate Emergency Action Roadmap for Warwick District. 4. The Climate Action Programme acknowledges the effectiveness of current carbon reduction activities being undertaken by the Council both within its own estate and across the District…
… the District. WDC is in a strong position to lead, coordinate and influence. Actions could be to: Build effective partnerships with private and commercial stakeholder groups to design and deliver a district-wide carbon reduction plan Engage and collaborate with regional and national organisations to deliver low carbon initiatives Encourage the involvement of community groups…
… to improve the efficiency of all buildings to reduce the demand for energy and convert to low carbon and/or renewable heating. Actions could be to: Invest in community engagement campaigns which will encourage and target carbon emission reduction e.g. gas heating – with particular focus upon ‘hard-to-heat’ properties Early priorities will be to reduce household emissions resulting from gas…
… and campaigns that encourage energy efficiency and carbon reduction actions amongst residential communities and individual households. Develop Business and Economic Opportunity Warwick District is already an attractive location for business relocation and inward investment. The Council could promote the District as a new hub for low carbon technology and service industries – representing…
… Encourage commercial and institutional organisations to develop their own carbon reduction action plans and share their work with other high energy users. Encourage a collective approach to reducing energy use and generating renewable energy Develop a district-wide Net Zero Campaign based on energy efficiency Explore the feasibility of suitable alternatives to natural gas heating…
… at ways to reduce its carbon footprint and also leading countywide carbon reduction. The Council has recently succeeded in achieving its ambitious emission reduction target two years early. The first carbon management plan, launched in 2011, formalised this commitment and brought with it an increased investment in environmental and low carbon projects. This continued with the development…
… Current CO2 emissions 9 Building on success 10 Ways to accelerate carbon reductions 12 What changes are needed 13 Key areas of reductions 14 Carbon descent 15 Time for action 16 Areas of Work 17 The road to neutral 19 Adapting to a changing climate 20 Appendix 21 3 Foreword “Herefordshire Council is committed to leading local responses to the Climate Emergency and achieving our…
… leadership role in taking on the challenges that lie ahead by declaring a target of becoming carbon neutral by 2030/31. This is Herefordshire Council’s third Carbon Management Plan. It focusses on the period 2020/21 – 2025/26, the first part of our plan up to 2030/31 and carbon neutrality. It draws and builds upon the previous plans with one significant difference – the ultimate target…
… and the energy from waste plant. These activities will form part of the countywide carbon reduction strategy. 9 Current CO2 emissions Our latest carbon footprint assessment (2018/19) We have been measuring our carbon footprint since 2008/09 (baseline year). The table and graph…
… Current CO2 emissions Building on success Ways to accelerate carbon reductions What changes are needed Key areas of reductions Carbon descent Time for action Areas of Work The road to neutral Adapting to a changing climate Appendix …
… and milestones. Establishes our carbon budget and identifies potential carbon reduction pathways. Prioritises carbon reduction measures and suggests timescales in which we intend to deliver these. Puts forward potential future projects, or ideas requiring further investigation before being committed to. A series of options for how different projects may be funded. The process by which…
… are missed from the BEIS emissions data. 6 Blaby will use the SCATTER tool to demonstrate the potential carbon reductions that are possible through certain pathways. SCATTER is a local authority focussed emissions tool, built to help create low-carbon local authorities and has been used to generate our area footprint. It’s development has been funded by the Department for Business…
… Carbon Reduction Pathways Blaby’s carbon budget illustrates the need to pursue an ambitious carbon reduction programme if we are to become a carbon neutral district by 2050 and preferably earlier. Figure 3 below shows some illustrative pathways that we could take in line with our carbon budget in comparison to the trend in emissions if Blaby District Council were to continue as it has done so…
… better windows. Improve the management of energy usage across our assets to highlight and reduce energy use. Short term 6.2.3 Replace existing gas boilers at main offices with low carbon alternative and explore potential for the use of heat pumps. Short term 6.2.4 Identify ways and means of reducing carbon footprint and energy efficiency of our leased assets and use our influence…
…. This plan identifies where our current emissions come from and identifies many potential carbon reduction measures to increase our chance of staying within our carbon budget and meeting these targets. We are committed to working with the whole district to reduce emissions and there is an appreciation that far more resource and investment will be required to implement many of the actions and reach our…
… capture of energy- consumption data. Consider application for water smart metering. Develop appropriate carbon-reduction target for the Council’s non-domestic buildings as part of annual review of Action Plan. Streetlighting The Council has reduced carbon emissions from its street lighting by 78.31% since 2007/08 – from 1,503 tCO2e to 326 tCO2e. A reduction in emissions of 17.75…
…, resources and policy changes are needed to support the move towards net zero carbon. Initial annual review and update of Net Zero Action Plan – to Scrutiny, Cabinet summer 2022. Long-term (next 2+ years) Net-Zero Action Plan to be reviewed and updated periodically, to ensure progress. Further delivery of projects that provide significant carbon reductions, these will likely be more…
… Assessment been completed? If, not, please state why Summary: In progress Long term: This Net Zero Action Plan will support the Council’s 2030 net zero carbon ambition Collaboration: The Council is already working in collaboration with a number of public bodies in relation to carbon reduction and delivery of emission reduction. Involvement: Climate Change and Carbon Management Group…
… is well established and attended by both Members and officers, this provides a good initial forum for stakeholder engagement, but scope for wider involvement following publication of this Plan Prevention: This Plan will support implementation of actions and measures to reduce carbon emissions that contribute to climate change Integration: Will help integrate and embed emission reduction…
… Ceredigion a net zero carbon Local Authority by 2030 Develop a clear plan for a route towards being net zero carbon within 12 months Call on Welsh and UK Governments to provide the necessary support and resources to enable effective carbon reductions On the 5th March 2020, Ceredigion County Council declared a global climate emergency, committing to meeting the most significant challenge…
… is in the form of a Climate Emergency Action Programme to address these two declarations and contains a Carbon Management Plan for the Council’s own estate and a Climate Emergency Action Roadmap for Warwick District. 4. The Climate Action Programme acknowledges the effectiveness of current carbon reduction activities being undertaken by the Council both within its own estate and across…
… by 2030 by a concerted effort by many stakeholders and partners across the District. WDC is in a strong position to lead, coordinate and influence. Actions could be to: Build effective partnerships with private and commercial stakeholder groups to design and deliver a district-wide carbon reduction plan Engage and collaborate with regional and national organisations to deliver low carbon…
… management plan and contribute to CO2e reduction targets. A formal review of the current strategy, policies and processes would support carbon monitoring and performance across the Council’s activities. Financing carbon reduction measures 18. Implementing carbon reduction actions and measures will have a significant cost as well as many benefits (social, economic, environmental). Sourcing…
… Use – Households In the coming decade, Warwick District will have to improve the efficiency of all buildings to reduce the demand for energy and convert to low carbon and/or renewable heating. Actions could be to: Invest in community engagement campaigns which will encourage and target carbon emission reduction e.g. gas heating – with particular focus upon ‘hard-to-heat’ properties…
… WDC Climate Emergency Action Programme ~ Executive Summary FINAL ~ 31.1.2020 10 Encourage commercial and institutional organisations to develop their own carbon reduction action plans and share their work with other high energy users. Encourage a collective approach to reducing energy use and generating renewable energy Develop a district-wide Net Zero Campaign based on energy…
… of the carbon reduction programme. It explores the roles of specialist officers, specialist support units, Council Services, the governance role of corporate working groups and how they report on progress. It starts by asking who develops and drives projects – should it be driven from the top down, bottom up or a mixture of both? Commitment to reducing carbon emissions needs to come from across…
…; Data 2.3 Carbon Footprint 2.4 Scope 3. Projections & Value at Stake 4. Previous Trends 5. Future Action 6. Financing Carbon Saving Projects 7. Responsibility, Governance & Reporting 8. Conclusion 9. Appendices Appendix A – Project Register 2015/16 to 2020/21 – tables 1 to 5 Appendix B – Details of Previous Carbon Reduction Projects Appendix C – Projected…
… reflects the relatively small number of significant carbon reduction projects identified and approved to date. Figure 7: Projected CO2 Associated Costs - Business as Usual Compared with Implementation of CMP Projects The gap between these two scenarios illustrates that over the next five years, projects contained in the CMP should deliver financial savings in the region of £2m…
… and investing lies with individual Services. Other specialist officers and teams, such as the Building Design Unit and street lighting engineers, are responsible for the majority of carbon reduction projects listed in Appendix A. 23 7.1 GOVERNANCE & REPORTING In order to ensure that there is effective and on-going ownership of the Carbon Management Plan, it is important…
… or adapt (called adaptation) (b) Cutting carbon emissions to try to reduce our contribution to the problem in the first place (called carbon reduction or management or mitigation). Carbon Dioxide (CO2) A naturally occurring gas and one of the most abundant greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is also a by-product of industrial processes, burning fossil fuels and land use changes…
… progress by 2025 Estimated annual carbon reduction by 2025 (ktCO2e) What needs to happen Local Authority action to 2025 Commercial and goods vehicles 16-31% emission reduction from freight.18 76-145 Reduce the use of fossil-fuel-powered goods vehicles and shift to low carbon delivery. (18) Consider options for traffic re-routing and delivery hubs to encourage lower freight (including…
… and reduce future impacts Carbon emission reduction can be accelerated, and further emissions prevented, by putting in place the planning and infrastructure that is consistent with a low-carbon future. A Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Plan for Surrey is being developed, which sets out how we manage risk and try to minimise the impacts of climate change on health and wellbeing…
…-2025) | 25 Who needs to act Expected progress by 2025 Estimated annual carbon reduction by 2025 (ktCO2e) What needs to happen Local Authority action to 2025 Vulnerable or low-income residents and landlords 20% of fuel poor and vulnerable homes7 118 Elderly and economically disadvantaged residents are supported to install low carbon measures8 that reduce bills and support…
… Expected progress by 2025 Estimated annual carbon reduction by 2025 (ktCO2e) What needs to happen Local Authority action to 2025 Off-gas households 20% of off-gas homes9 41 Switch from high to low carbon heating and increase energy efficiency10; focused in Caterham, Camberley, Weybridge and Staines. (5) Encourage the uptake of national funding schemes such as the Home Upgrade Grant (HUG…
… County Council and Local Authorities 40% decrease against 2030 target 18 Reduce carbon emissions from Local Authority estate through insulation, low carbon heating and solar panels. Reduce emissions by reducing fleet size, encouraging transition to active travel and low carbon vehicles. (35) Continue with estate rationalisation. (36) Continue with streetlight LED replacement. (37…
… property carbon reduction programme, and implement a roadmap to scope 3 emissions reduction • Continue to embed climate awareness and objectives into the council’s business as usual delivery…
…, • renewable energy projects to improve resilience and reduce costs, • carbon reduction projects to reduce building related carbon emissions by replacing heating from fossil fuel sources with low carbon fuel sources such as electricity and biomass • financial contribution to improved energy efficiency or low carbon measures in newly built assets. The council will fully investigate mechanisms…
… feasible, over the next eight to nine years through the HEEP programme. • Explore how to measure and monitor scope 3 emissions from council buildings Impact: Direct emissions reduction impact: High Overall impact: High Priority: High Rationale: Decarbonisation programme is critical to carbon reduction of the council operational estate. Reducing carbon emissions from approx. 4,500…
… purchasing and using council fleet will develop a carbon reduction plan and integrate this into vehicle replacement plans. Impact: Direct emissions reduction impact: Medium Overall impact: Medium Priority: High Rationale: Fleet decarbonisation is a key part of emissions reduction in relation to council operations, though not as high as the impact of council buildings. Direct carbon savings…
…-neutral council fleet by 2030. C3. Staff Travel Encourage staff to travel to work by sustainable travel options C4. Supply Chain and Scope 3 Achieve carbon reduction and resilience in supply chain. C5. Household Waste Management Develop the council’s waste management service to help achieve climate objectives Transport T1. Electric Vehicles Increase availability of Electric Vehicle (EV…
… be set into action now. SECTION SEVEN Carbon reduction action plan 2020 - 20227 27 Carbon Reduction Delivery Strategy 2020-2030 7. Carbon reduction action plan 2020 - 2022 The actions detailed in the table below will have both direct and indirect benefits that will be realised during this work to reduce carbon. These benefits will be reported on whether they have been measured as affecting…
… 3. Strategy aims, objectives, targets and priorities p.10 3.1 Emissions from our own operations p.11 3.2. Steps to implement the Council’s Carbon Reduction Delivery Strategy p.12 3.3. Other Contributions to Carbon Neutral Target p.14 4. What the Council has achieved so far p.16 5. Monitoring and reporting p.18 5.1 What is Carbon Neutral? p.19 5.2 Reporting Process p.19 5.3…
… Reviewing p.20 6. Resources p.22 6.1 Conclusion p.25 7. Carbon reduction action plan 2020 - 2022 p.26 SECTION ONE Introduction and Scope1 5 Carbon Reduction Delivery Strategy 2020-2030 Introduction and Scope Climate change is a long-term threat, which needs to be addressed now because our economy and infrastructure are built around existing or historic climatic conditions. To tackle…
… this, we are committed to achieving the carbon neutral ambition by 2030. This Carbon Reduction Delivery Strategy sets out the approach that Bedford Borough Council will take to become Carbon Neutral by 2030, that is the key aim of this strategy. It explains where we are to date, and the future actions the council will need to take as a whole to meet this carbon neutral ambition. It also touches…
… on some carbon reduction activities being undertaken by the council already to achieve the objective of reducing emissions of climate changing greenhouse gases. Key Points: • The effects of climate change are being felt in the UK and abroad. The international consensus on tackling climate change is reflected in UK policy, which has imposed legally binding national carbon reduction budgets…
…. The council has already raised the amount it charges developers who fail to make on site carbon savings. We will continue to keep this under review and make further changes when necessary in the future. 15 As part of the review process of this strategy, the council will consider offset in the future and what role it should have in reaching our ambition of becoming carbon neutral…
… into the office, they are doing so by bicycle in increasing numbers. The proportion of cyclists increased two-or even three-fold during the summer months in 2020. Lobbying National Government – As policymakers shape the economic recovery, local government is in a unique position to influence government policy in the pursuit of a green recovery. In turn, this could stimulate low carbon activities…
… has commissioned an independent analysis of the cost of action needed. We estimate it will cost at least £3.92bn of capital expenditure to end Southwark’s contribution to climate change, and so will need major government support to back the action that we take locally. However, the transition to a low carbon society also presents an opportunity to reshape our borough into a better place…
…, switching away from petrol and diesel vehicles and bringing all buildings up to a low carbon standard are all examples of urgent tasks that will only be achieved if we have the necessary national investment and improvements to infrastructure, regulations and taxation that only central government can deliver. Our Southwark target date of 2030 is an essential one. However, the government has…
…:// pdf [accessed 26.11.19] 9 People from a higher income are generally more likely to emit more carbon as they are more likely to have larger homes in need of greater heating, to own one or more cars and to fly for holidays or work. We must recognise this disparity in resource and its relationship with our fight against the climate…
… Greenhouse gas emissions by source sector 2 As Figure 1 shows, the emissions the public sector is directly responsible for makes up 2% of the UK’s total emissions. MVDC will therefore work with others to lobby government for early adoption of and funding for ambitious carbon emissions reduction measures. This Strategy focuses on reducing carbon emissions from the Council’s estate…
…. Measure uptake of grants within MVDC, and associated carbon reduction impact delivered, Low High D October 2020, ongoing. 14 | P a g e Area Action Measure / target Cost Carbon Impact Own Operations / District wide Timescale where data available. Develop a schedule of approved building materials that would be considered acceptable in the District and provide enhanced…
… and a sustainable future. Action to reduce carbon emissions will also support MVDC’s strategic priorities, including to improve community wellbeing, protecting and enhancing the environment, sustainable development, air quality and prosperity for all. Inaction on climate change will undo progress towards any of these objectives. Vision and aims MVDC is committed to protecting and enhancing…
… working from home, where appropriate, and use of video conferencing and encouraging sustainable transport options. Working with Surrey County Council to ensure the infrastructure is in place to increase opportunities for cycling and walking throughout the district. Fleet: replacing our existing diesel and petrol fleet with electric, or other low carbon alternatives, and providing the charging…
… services and taking action to minimise the adverse impacts. Leadership: leading by example, setting climate friendly policies and engaging with our residents and businesses to drive positive change across the District. Lobbying government: working with others to lobby government for changes in policy and infrastructure and for funding opportunities to help achieve ambitious carbon reduction…
… locally sourcing of materials and labour in order to minimise travel etc. This change in policy ensures that environmental sustainability is at the heart of decision making when selecting the right product and/or supplier. Future Key Carbon Reduction Projects 1.11 The Council have drawn up a series of strategic projects that directly contribute and deliver the Council’s own carbon…
… emissions by a further estimated 741 tonnes per annum which is a greater reduction than the whole corporate target of a 750 tonne reduction over a period of 3 years. 2.4 The Council has numerous options where it can invest to reduce carbon emissions and contribute towards its climate change objectives. However, each investment decision has differing potentials in carbon reduction terms…
… ambitions To seek agreement to purchase electricity from certified renewable sources from April 2021 1 Report Details 1.1 In 2018, the Council adopted the Carbon Reduction Plan which set out the Council’s ambition to both reduce its own carbon footprint, along with leading the community to do the same. This report provides Executive with an update on actions and initiatives…
… on appropriate plant equipment situated at The Arc which offer an energy saving with payback for this investment being achieved in a couple of years and achieve an annual carbon reduction of 12,100kg (12.1 tonnes). Theme 2 – Renewable Energy 1.3 As outlined in the Council’s Recovery Plan and previously discussed at the Climate Change Group, Property and Estates are about to commission a full…
… to the most vulnerable Council Tenants so that a modern affordable heating system can be installed. This is forecast 50 properties at £80,000 from CAW. Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging point – An EV charging station has been installed at The Arc as part of the council’s efforts to support the community to reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality. The charging station is a rapid charging…
… Carbon reduction strategy Carbon Reduction Strategy Produced by: Economy, Environment and Housing directorate First version approved: 16 April 2018 Second version approved: 07 October 2019 Third version approved: 11 April 2022 2 CONTENTS: Carbon Reduction Strategy Summary Page 3 Part 1…
… CARBON REDUCTION STRATEGY SUMMARY This strategy sets out Harrogate Borough Council’s priorities for tackling carbon reduction, in response to the climate emergency as outlined by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Our vision is that by 2038 the Harrogate District will have a net zero-carbon economy. The council will lead the district, by using our place-shaping powers…
… of the unitary North Yorkshire Council in 2023. Over £9 million has been identified to deliver this action plan. While local government reorganisation is underway in North Yorkshire, we will continue to implement this strategy because urgent action is required. However, we recognise that the new council in time may update this and the other carbon reduction strategies that currently cover the North…
… with our neighbouring local authorities to ensure that climate impact assessments are embedded within the local government reorganisation process; we will provide funding and other support for the Harrogate District Climate Change Coalition to champion the local carbon budget, and raise awareness of decarbonisation, and transparently report our carbon reduction activities and emissions…
…. PART 1. INTRODUCTION Part 1 Summary The effects of climate change are being felt in the UK and abroad. The UK policy has legally-binding national carbon reduction budgets. The council has a corporate responsibility as both a large employer and a community leader to take action to reduce emissions. We have a positive vision of Harrogate District as a net-zero carbon economy…
…. Consider application for water smart metering. Various Ongoing NZC-08 Develop appropriate carbon-reduction target for the Council’s non-domestic buildings as part of annual review of Action Plan. Sustainable Development & Energy Manager Apr 2021 (b) Streetlighting The Council has reduced carbon emissions from its streetlighting by 60% since 2008 – from 2,220…
… reductions; 5. Work with the Public Services Board and Swansea Bay City Deal partners to develop exciting opportunities to deliver carbon saving; 6. Collaborate with experts from the private sector and 3rd sectors to develop innovative solutions to becoming net zero carbon. The full Council agreed points 1 and 4 of the Motion, and requested that the Motion be referred to the Corporate…
… Carbon Footprint _ Renewable-energy Generation Carbon Offsetting = Net Zero Carbon (a) Non-domestic buildings The Council has reduced carbon emissions from its non-domestic buildings by 45% since 2003/04 – from 18,564 tCO2e to 10,285 tCO2e. A reduction in emissions of 12.58% occurred from 2017/18 into 2018/19. Energy consumed by the Council’s non-domestic buildings…
… and reporting progress towards becoming net zero carbon. Accordingly, ‘smart’ and sub-metering technology will be extended to ensure the timely capture of energy-consumption data. Half-hourly (HH) electricity metering has been rolled out for all feasible buildings, and HH gas metering is installed for all larger supplies. This data feeds into Stark ID. Target An appropriate carbon-reduction…
…-power-demand streetlights upgraded to LED. The project will reduce carbon emissions by 322 tonnes annually, and save £205,000 per year in electricity costs. Due to the inherent longevity of LED technology, there will also be a significant additional saving in ongoing maintenance costs associated with existing deteriorating fittings. Street Lighting 2008 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2018/19 v…
… Local Industrial Strategy and covid-19 recovery plan, and take the ambitious action needed to deliver clean and inclusive economic growth. It sets out the next steps WECA will take to support a net zero region, building on the carbon reduction programmes and initiatives already underway. Such as the £1.7m Low Carbon Challenge Fund and the Green Business Grant scheme, as well as activities…
… this plan, of our contribution to these goals. 12 Work is already underway At the same time as developing this action plan work has continued to deliver existing carbon reduction programmes and initiatives. Since the spring of 2020 WECA has: This continued investment in innovation, low carbon transport, renewable energy and SME’s…
… duplicate their efforts. Each challenge area provides further detail on the scale of the challenge, what success might look like over the next five years. Importantly, it also shows the co-benefits, or additional benefits that reducing carbon emissions can bring to the region. 14 Challenge area 1: Low carbon transport system The challenge Emissions from transport is one…
… of Green Business Grant scheme [Autumn 2020] 18 Our strategy Delivering further action Appendix A sets out the next steps WECA will take to support a net zero region, building on the carbon reduction programmes and initiatives already underway in this challenge area. It includes actions to support businesses to transition to low carbon…
… Delivering further action Appendix A sets out the next steps WECA will take to support a net zero region, building on the carbon reduction programmes and initiatives already underway in this challenge area. It includes actions to increase local energy generation through the Low Carbon Challenge Fund and through working in partnership with the South West Energy Hub to increase the number, quality…
… and is investing heavily in low carbon initiatives, such as the pioneering Core 364 project in Roker. Our pledge to reduce carbon emissions in the city sits alongside our ongoing commitment to minimise fuel poverty across our tenants and the city- wide partnership approach to the Low Carbon Framework is key to the anchor organisations in Sunderland achieving shared goals.” Ken Bremner, Chief…
… and cycling) for short journeys is good for health, low cost and low carbon. Where active travel isn’t possible, public transport and/or car sharing offer lower carbon alternatives; Our objective is to: Engage with residents, communities and partners and encourage positive behaviour change to reduce individual carbon footprints. Sunderland Low Carbon Framework December 2020 Page 29 6…
… Layout 1 Low Carbon Framework Contents Foreword 3 Introduction 9 Approach to reducing carbon 11 Context and background 15 Carbon…
… Carbon Framework is a call to action. We are calling on you, as people who live, work, visit and invest in Sunderland, to join with us on this exciting decade of transformation. This Framework gives the city clear focus and direction in our quest for significant carbon reduction and provides the strategy within which we can each take responsibility and work together. This Framework has…
…-in-preparing-for-climate-change.pdf partner organisations as required. Its success relies on a collaborative effort from organisations and individuals to decide how they will change their own activities to help achieve the city’s shared ambition to become carbon neutral. Sunderland Low Carbon Framework December 2020 Page 4 Cllr Graeme Miller, Leader of Sunderland City Council said…