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Search results for "carbon reduction"

Including the closely related term carbon.

1 result

Belfast City Council

Direct link to action plan (HTML)

…, in this decade and beyond’. The city’s future economic growth must therefore be inclusive, sustainable and low-carbon. “The economic cost of flooding could be profound. Belfast is ‘predicted to be the most economically impacted, with aggregated annual average damages of approximately £16m.’"  NI Flood Risk Assessment, 2018   Belfast must be ‘climate ready’ i.e. prepared for changes to the city’s…

… the city’s energy independence. Doing so provides an immense economic return to the city, as set out in the Mini Stern. “Belfast is emitting 1.5 million tonnes of carbon a year. At this rate, we will have used up our carbon by 2030.” Belfast Net-zero Carbon Roadmap (Mini Stern) The ‘foundational programmes’ endorsed by the city’s Resilience and Sustainability Board are strongly informed…

… energy Industry, innovation and infrastructure Sustainable cities and communities Responsible consumption and production Life on land Peace, justice and strong institutions Partnerships for the goals 2. Delivery of Recommendations in Belfast’s Mini Stern: A Net-Zero Carbon Roadmap for Belfast Working with Leeds and Edinburgh, Belfast’s first Net-Zero Carbon Roadmap has been produced…

…, to identify the sources of Scope 1 and 2 emissions, and to set out cost effective and innovative stretch measures needed to reach net-zero carbon by 2050. Through the Belfast Climate Commission and the Resilience and Sustainability Board, recommendations within the roadmap will be delivered to enable Belfast to reach its goal. Area of focus ​Climate action Quality of resilience ​Reflective…

… include achieving net-zero carbon emissions in Belfast Harbour before 2030, through decarbonisation of our operations and nature based solutions. Its partnership-based action plans will protect and enhance our marine biodiversity and wider environment. With the help of digital innovation, it will help facilitate a circular economy and improve air quality standards throughout its estate. As a socially…


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