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Search results for "carbon reduction"

Including 9 closely related terms such as reduce, reduce carbon, and low carbon.

1 result

Tunbridge Wells Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… to importance of scale of investment and low rating of political acceptability. With investment in ‘in-borough’ assets marginally more appealing to members than investment in out-of-borough assets. Though small-scale community energy generation i.e., roof-top solar would be an option, but this is likely to feature more prominently in the Borough wide carbon reduction plan and as part of ‘offsetting…

… when all effort has been made to reduce carbon emissions. To adhere to the convention of carbon reduction, only emissions that cannot be abated by other means should be offset. Significant offsetting leaves the Council exposed to the market to meet their target. The carbon offsetting costs (£/tonne CO₂e) used in this analysis are based on government forecast figures in a mid-range scenario…

… a strategic view of carbon reduction to be taken and embed change across the organisation to achieve robust emissions reductions. TWBC recognises the significant role it can play in helping to accelerate the transition towards low carbon. 3 Communications plan to promote the Council’s carbon reduction work to the wider public & organisations End April 2021 Sustainability…

…. Page 25 of 31 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council Corporate Carbon Descent Plan & Action Plan 2021-2022 Date of publication – 31 March 2021 PropertyCarbon Reduction Opportunities Ref: Action summary Completion date: Council Team Responsible Outline Impact 4 Determine the estates future by encourage the Council to undertake a review of its property portfolio and carry…

… the necessary freedoms to enable the Council to act on the climate emergency. Ongoing CEAP / Sustainability / BDU / Executive Directorate / Communications Deliver on the Councils commitment to engage with their communities through citizen’s assembly. Develop a Borough wide Carbon Reduction Plan to complement the Councils other plans such as Local Plan, Transport Strategy, Air Quality…


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