Including 6 closely related terms such as reduce, reduce carbon, and reduction programme.
…, transport, waste and renewable power generation). We must lead by example and reduce emissions across our own estate, complete our street lighting programme and identify how we can target emission reductions via transport and procurement. 2. Prioritising action on climate change delivers many local benefits. As well as contributing to national net zero targets, carbon reduction programmes can bring…
… estate. Establish a baseline for carbon reduction targets. Understand opportunities to improve air quality. Energy and Sustainability Team, Property and Asset Management Team, and Air Quality Specialist. Q4. 2021 2.1.2. Develop a priority investment plan to reduce carbon emissions across the borough’s educational estate (to include academy schools). Engage…
…. The identification and establishment of carbon budgets across all of the Council’s departments. Cost: Low. Council-wide understanding of the actions that are required to reduce carbon emissions and contribute to the Council’s net zero targets. Energy & Sustainability Team. Q4. 2021 16 Sub-Priority Action Output Measure of Success…
… quality, ventilation. Feasibility study on ‘healthy buildings’ and linking to energy investments in school buildings. Cost: Low Increased understanding of how other considerations around air quality, ventilation, thermal health, safety etc can be integrated into energy efficiency and carbon reduction programmes. Energy and Sustainability Team. Q4. 2021…
… of sustainable energy and support net zero targets. Improvements to indoor air quality will also be integrated into the net zero programme. 5. Transport. Reducing transport emissions in the borough through implementing sustainable travel programmes (e.g. encouraging ‘Smarter Choices’ through car clubs, travel plans, cycling infrastructure etc). Promoting low-carbon vehicles by rolling out electric vehicle…