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Search results for "carbon reduction"

Including 6 closely related terms such as reduce, reduce carbon, and reduce carbon.

1 result

Rossendale Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… a positive impact both locally and globally. 02 03 Our Commitments Our aims are to make the council’s activities net-zero carbon by 2030 and to work in partnership to reduce carbon emissions for the whole of Rossendale. Currently, in Rossendale, each person is responsible for an average of ten tonnes of carbon emissions each year. This equates to 24 million balloons per person. It is our…

… aim to reduce that figure significantly. Through its corporate strategy the Council is committed to, and already working towards, a cleaner and greener borough. TO REDUCE CARBON EMISSIONS AND IMPROVE OUR ENVIRONMENT, THE COUNCIL WILL FOCUS ON THE FOLLOWING AREAS: Efficient energy consumption; Sustainable transport; Waste and the wider environment; Working together in partnership. Our…

… council services and events by June 2022; Embed carbon reduction objectives in major procurement activities; Encourage other public service providers to adopt carbon reduction initiatives; Review all Council procurement to achieve the best value balance between cost and environmental harm; Engage in a public education programme promoting local organically grown produce; Identify areas…

… where possible; Review our planning guidelines and use these to encourage new buildings that have a lower carbon footprint both in construction and operation; Support energy switching schemes that enable more residents to move to energy providers using renewable sources; Engage in a public education campaign to promote the benefits of reduced energy use and switching to renewables…

… Environment Working Together in Partnership 04 17 - Case Studies Efficient energy consumption Sustainable transport East Lancashire Cycleway Waste FOREWORD We are a small borough but we have our part to play – as does every individual who lives here and every business that trades here. As a council, we can take action to make sure that we reach Carbon Zero by 2030 and this strategy sets…


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